Tuesday, August 30, 2011

PAIN :-)

sooo rolling / fell out of bed to stretch -> shower
(read: no mileage in the AM)

Walked around a lot at work = better by time to hit the gym w/ coworkers!

I definitely would have slacked if we hadn't brought our clothes to work. :-) Thanks KS and MS!!
Gold gym -> 4 miles on the treadmill -> abs for 5 minutes (eek!)

Let's see if I can contract my ab muscle tomorrow after two days of working them out!
AND my arms are definitely tight but 2nd day after workout is the worst!!!! :-/

I'm going to have the goal of running 3 miles so I can comfortable STRETCH in the AM... 4:15 alarm is set!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Gold's Gym - UVA

So with the motivation rubbing off from my coworker (thanks KS) - I printed the 7 day trial for the local Gold's gym (another coworker got a deal worked out to remove the intiaition fee).

Parking lot - redic full
Exercise equipment - individual TVs on most, still available w/ full parking lot
Free Weights - eh, okay...multiple sites but not consistent 5, 8 and 10 lb sets in one weight lifting location!
Group classes - appear to be limited post 6 pm (or pre 7 am conclusion)

So after 2 miles on the treadmill, arms (typical set) and abs (quick 5 minutes of the 10 min video routine :-D )... we went to Whole Foods ... spent more b/c hungry (duh!)

KS and I agree that $35 / month is not bad but with the fabulous weather we want to take advantage of the fall outdoors... so I'm debating putting the membership off for a while *until there's bad weather! :-D

To full or to half - that is the question...

Discuss with MB & Amanda brought up that this "crash course" type training cannot be healthy for my body - mainly my joints - and how 1/2 marathos would be better b/c
1. able ot train up to schedule mileage during work week easier...
2. bring down my 1/2 marathon time
3. enjoy the location traveling to vs rest before and after race day

My rationale side is saying "okay" but my stubborn side (pride?) is saying NO! b/c
1. goal of marathon in each state!
2. can run 13.1 miles anywhere, anytime -> why spend $ and travel
3. Glory is in the 26.2 bragging rights, right?
4. Would I really even train for 13 miles? need to really keep at a healthy weight and balance out my crazy bad food habits...

The decision is still up in the air - trying not to put too much pressure on myself for the Portland marathon ... will that be my last for a long while? ... :-/

Fabulous Update

Okay - so long time no talk. I have been working out a bit more at work (on-site) but this weekend defintely takes the cake!

Next marathon 10/02 = finaly got some fire under my booty!

Thursday - REALLY late arrival to INDY but scoped out the 24/7 gym at the HGI.

Friday AM - got up and ran 3 mi before 8 am start to marathon of calls! Didn't love or hate it - definitely FABULOUS to run on treadmills with TVs again. Helped me forget the whole "running" thing
Friday PM - went running with Ms Amanda. Such a gracious host! (1) went running with me (2) delayed meals and fun that evening so I could do so (3) accommodated my crazy 2 workout / day with social/meals!

Saturday AM - got up rather late, thighs tight - ran the 3 mile there & back from Friday PM and I was brain numb ... no bueno. Don't like outdoors I guess b/c it was fabulous weather! I proceeded to consume some liquid calories that nulled out the cal burn BUT yay for catching up with friends!!! (i.e. Sat PM workout = nap then 15 min yoga)

Sunday AM - groggy, gosh these friends don't sleep in even until 10 AM?! 2nd weekend morning = le tired! Grumpy = I'll run when there's a TV! hah
Sunday PM - hotel by 4:30 -> treadmill and thankfully stumbled upon the movie National Treasure. Definitely didn't realized how close to the beginning I found it but HUGE blessing :-) Got me thru 90+ minutes of 3:30 min 7.0 / 1:30 min 3.5 intervals. Then random shows (less distracting) = I survived 1 more hour making 14 miles in 2:30 hrs. I was just above 10 min/miles at 13.5 miles and didn't want to end without a whole number -> walked! yay 1500 cal burn!! I haven't felt that in a while!

Monday AM - E.A.R.L.Y. 3:10 on the elleptical for 10 min (1 mile) to work out leg cramps tightness -> stretch for 10 min. whew. glad I stopped at 2.5 hrs yesterday! & switched my 100% cotton socks every hour (forgot to pack decent, moisture wicking socks). Idon't have huge blisters or hip soreness out the ying yang. My legs are sore but it's a long missed soreness! :-) Hoping to keep up the 2x / day at least 3more weeks -> 2 weeks of tapering before 10/02!!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

48 days

Wow - that seems like a long time in terms of a book I read... "48 days to Work You Love" - I didn't even survive the schedule of reading just a small portion of the book for 48 days (I read the whole thing the first day and got bored of the individual daily tasks after 11 days).

48 days = how many days until the Portland ME marathon...

Sunday - ran 9.5 miles. Forgot (1) heartrate monitor chest strap in VA and (2) ipod at home or UVA... So - I decided to run silver comet trail OUT towards Costco and back. Umm, this would've been fine if I put on SUNSCREEN! I banked on the shady trail and didn't remember that when changing the plan. Oh I remembered 4 miles in when my sholders began to feel... oh FRIED! :-p Needlesstosay, I'm a bring red person on my face, shoulders, arms, and neck... I am wearing foundation today! crazy = probably the 6th time ever in my life! Anyways, I quit after the loop to Costco (only 9.5 miles) b/c I was out of water (2L camelback) and thought the next 3-4 miles might prevent me from working out the next day. The 9.5 mils at least burnt 1000+ calories = the entire chocolate bunny I ate Saturday...HAH proving I run to break even NOT be "fit" :-p

Saturday - nothing. ditto of Friday

Friday - nothing. home and successfully procrastinated with cleaning, work, etc

Thursday - nothing. le tired = slept a LOT

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wednesday = rest

This morning I woke up and it was 6:40 ... umm subconcsiously turned off my alarm?

Needless to say - I did not work out this morning. I did do a 125 ab things:
- 25 butt lifts (lie on back, lift legs straight until feet "flat" toward ceiling -> lift booty up while keeping legs straight and feet towards ceiling)
- 50 bicycle (alt leg elbow to right knee, right elbow to left knee - that's 1)
- 25 crunch to left
- 25 crunch to right
Sadly, I felt the 125...just displays how much my abs have gone away... :-) There's one way to get away from that: do 125 every AM until it's not crazy -> then increase! :-D

Tonight: did not work out - I attempted to use tonight to get ahead of work (before the travel day) BUT my internet card kicked me off the client VPN 3x within 15 minutes...so :-) I took that as a sign to stop and watch TV!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

3 x and it's only Tuesday

So...finally getting somewhere motivation wise when I gave myself permission to not bite off the entire marathon workout - and play "catch up" -> I changed to working out 2x day to get in the miles until I feel ready to run the long mileage at once!

I have to say, not only am I going to have mid-week laundry but I'm not planning properly to accommodate enough sleep to recharge before the next workout... :-p
How is it only Tuesday?!?! Tomorrow = another 2x day... le tired!

Tuesday PM
Goal: run 45 minutes
Actual: ran 4.5 miles in 45....and walked 5 straight minutes 30 minutes in...

Tuesday AM
Goal: run 45 minutes
Actual: ran 4.8 miles in 45 woot woot!...with 3.5 minutes of straight walking in there...

Monday Evening
- Ran hills
Definitely a pain in the booty (hills, hah) and it was H.O.T. ugh. How much longer is it summer??

Monday, August 8, 2011


Sheesh - i'm behind for the week!

Tuesday- sore from the run, ate (only) cookies for dinner again
Wednesday - thought even less about working out BUT ate a real dinner
Thursday - got home and chilled...ate cheesecake for dinner
Friday - real food, no workout
Had fun w/ a friend who came over for dinner! Card games = the best -> little party -> back to crash thinking I'd get up early to run (hah)
Saturday - real food, no workout + cheesecake and cookies
Sunday - real food, no workout + just cheesecake
*Bought "iced" coffee (frappicinos (sp?) mochas) from Costco and had to weigh the suitcase... 53 lbs. The method of weighing including zeroing scale, weigh myself, add suitcase and find the weight of the suitcase. Sad part - I was 167.3 ... whoa. Umm so cookies do add weight. That's about 2 lbs just last week!

Goal: actually use the new workout clothes MB bought me Sunday :-) (yay purple shirts!) and NOT eat all cookies... limit cookies/dessert intake to ONE time (snack, after lunch or after dinner) and limit to 2 portion sizes :-)

The marathon is sneaking up on me. I think I will count the days and start a countdown to really have the severity of the situation sink in. I CANNOT go thru another tough marathon - I don't think MB has the patience to deal w/ me after another either! Wish me luck and patience to RUN :-)

Monday, August 1, 2011

12KM - almost :-)

Today was interesting - 6:30 pm meeting was cancelled -> got back from whole foods before 9 pm :-)

I ate 6 pieces of cookie dough waiting for the 6:30 meeting (5:15 office departure) so thankfully I wasn't too hungry while shopping


another positive thing = I was not hungry so I could hit the gym right after getting back from the store! WOot woot!! 6.7 miles in an hour :-D yayayayay

So the marathon training called for 12 km run Saturday - close enough :-) Playin' a wee bit of catch up for slacking this weekend. I know, I know, catch up is never recommended but 10/02 is sneakin' up on me! I start to worry about my catch up technique when workouts become less spuratic :-D

Right now: sitting pretty for the evening
Tomorrow: 40 min easy on schedule & I brought AM/PM yoga from home if I feel over eager! :-)

Weekend Productivity

This weekend in atlanta was hot (well mild-ish being less than 100 majority of the time) and STICKY (waaay too much humidity). I definitely rode the "it's nasty outside" excuse all the way to Monday morning :-)

Now with that said, I was still really productive this weekend compared to most. If I can find how many calories per hour you can burn scrapbooking, I'd be set for the weekend :-) I am almost done with my life 7th grade - 2010....that's over a decade! Woot woot!

Costco coupon for 100 prints for free in each set of picture frames purchased = it made my day to save $13.00 ...a few times over! That made my saturday...

Anyhoo, going to run at least the 2 miles of hills this evening :-p 10/02 marathon is sneeking up to me!!