Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 2 of working out

INTAKE: 2113, BURNED:2457 => -344 cal

Morning Workout:
Running :-) 5 repeats of 1/2 mile (6.7) with walk inbetween (1.5 min at 4.0)
Weights - arms using weights 3lb, 5lb & 8lb
(lower weights in attempts to make the soreness tomorrow minimal!)

Through the day I attempted to track what I was eatting...sheesh do I eat alot :-p It added up quickly with the things I am eatting! The portions were crazy and I am assuming HIGH to be safe (I hope).

Thought about working out again - EXHUSTED! (and starving) I am going abs, back and stretching for at least 30 minutes this evening. That is a heck of a lot more than previous :-) Maybe my attempts to take baby-steps so it's more sustainable?? (ah - have to love my self rational!)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Ten before Turkey

The scale is not my friend.

I am offically that girl who does not like the scale. Yes, I believe the reason I started this blog was a visit to the doctors office woke me up to being 10 lbs over my typical college weight...but now, alas - I am 1 lb below my heaviest while on track. Mind you I was a BEAST while doing track...like benching 145 beast, squating 300+ beast. Weighting 172 back then was not shocking - being less than 10% fat was..."sigh"

TODAY: SOOO this definitely motivated me to go to UCLA track and do stadiums again :-) 1 lap of running 300m + the 15 aisles of stairs [up & down] is approx .78 miles. My initial goal was 4 laps [again, if you've read previous posts] - I completed two strong thanks to a coworker that joined me :-) Thanks JM!! I did not fair so well when she decided to do lunges and such instead of just pounding out the stairs - I relaxed to doing up one aisle, down the next...cutting the stadium portion almost in half [UsicGA readers - 15 is not an even #]. :-D The workout was great! I know I'll feel in the AM but definitely something I needed to do after being PO'd at the scale. I mean really....??

Goal: ANYHOO - focusing on what to do now (b/c otherwise it's wasted time, right?) I mentioned this issue w/ MB and he mentioned he had 15 over his typical - I concluded we could both aim for 10 before December! He paused (over the phone) and said "well, I could do that before the middle of September" Thank you for your honesty but GRR. men.

MY GOAL is going to be down "10 before Turkey" ...b/c frankly the holidays will screw things up anyways and I want to be on the right track before them :-D

Ways to accomplish this:
- 1 hr of working out in the AM and PM while on-site
this is going to be tough but if skinny was easy, everyone would be!
- food tracking w/ runners world . com
look at previous posts...I just haven't utilized this great tool since writing about it (SAD). it's a free WW-ish website that will let you piece together recipe components to estimate calories, compare intake to burned (by involuntary and exercise)
- SMARTER exercise: just running won't cut it! weights, circuits, swimming (ugh)

PS Can you tell it's almost football season??? :-D

Sunday RUn

Atlanta = humid

I lost lbs of sweat but no mileage or speed accomplished! My goal (recovery plan style after calf fight w/ bike) was to run 1/2 of the scheduled distance of 18 (aka 9 for all you UsicGA peeps). I did not even get that far!

When I make it out 3.75 miles...that was it! I did not want to go any further for that had taken me just as long as 4.5 should have! Sadly it involved a heck of a lot more walking than a "run". "Sigh"

Finished the 7.5 pathetically but met an interesting runner who is from the San Diego area, works at the CDC (knew of a friend there) and used to travel for a living (hence his commute to ATL transitioned to a move a long time ago). It was great to hear someone else's struggles with marathons (his most recent was the Disney in Jan). Too bad I don't have the 50+ excuse for slow finish times...and I think he was beating my times by an hr HAHA :-p

MB kicked booty by biking 20 in the time I took to run 7.5 :-D Yay MB!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Signs you are sore

You might be sore if:

- Bending your knees is all it takes to stretch your calves
- You take the stairs out of your apt to prepare yourself for "game face" you'll need to take the stairs w/ co workers
- Your legs buckle while walking down (previously mentioned) stairs b/c of the pain / akward way to move
- Straightening your arms to put on socks/shoes took 3+x effort it did to lift weights
- Timing shifting legs during hour meetings to prevent locking up b/c still for too long
- Eatting less is just fine to avoid the guilt of not wanting to workout..or move for that matter

Okay - enough semi-humor for the day.


Left arm - cannot straighten past 160 degrees
Right arm - not as sore as left but tight
Legs - calves are still sore from stadium, thighs screaming from weight
Back - tight from work weights, lower sore as well
Booty - oh goodness: OWWWW lunges obviously do focus on the booty!

Revised goals:
AM: up early to stretch (30+ min) in attempts to MOVE today!
PM: maybe jog 3-4 miles (?) but I don't want to work out so late in to PDT time that it makes it hard to fall asleep...we'll see how tired I feel! :-)

(this is going to be interesting...literally worried about looking strange while moving today!)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Butter Fingers...

No - not the candy.

Worked out this morning:
- 5 min warm up jog 2.0 at 6.8
Arms w/ 5, 8 and 10 lb - definitely was an eye-opener with about 10 minutes in having the muscle begging for me to stop...ugh who would think that 4 months off would make a difference? hah. I actually debated stopping knowing how much it will hurt in just a day - of course I didn't!
Legs - no weights just lunges and stuff. It was great to finally work toward slimmer thighs!
3 sets of this cycle:
- 10 front lunge
- 10 back lunge
- 10 side lunge
- 10 side box step up
- 10 rear leg on box lunge

Butter fingers comes from my unability to hold onto the shampoo bottle, bar of soap, razor AND facial wash! Silly hand muscles just couldn't function...what a preminition for how I am going to feel tomorrow - and even better the day after!

This evenings goal was to run a few miles (schedule says 7 but recovery mode = more than 3 miles). I even had daily mass on my schedule - as usual work threw my plans out the door and laughed :-p Took a dinner & blog break -> back to work! I would say daily mass in the AM but we have work mtgs until 7:30 PM tomorrow so I need to work out in the AM... You cannot have it all - we can all just try day by day, right? :-D


Thanks to my LA roomie (yay!!) I was motivated to walk to the UCLA track and utilize the stadium and track :-) Walking over was a great warm up - lots of hills. Got a wee bit nervous about the calf as it was being whiney on the way over!

Initial plan was four x [300m around the track + up and down every staircase] ...15 staircases from the track to the top - in total so that's 60 up and downs. When the first lap proved to be difficult, definitely came to the realization that four might be too much for Day 1 back.

1st 300m - 1:42 jog (if you can call it that :-p )
1st set of stairs - 9:30+ whew!
2nd 300m - 1:50
2nd set of stairs - 14:00+ wow!! sore calves were NOT happy with this workout selection!
3rd and 4th 400m walked w/ Allie -> 370 calories total

Very low calorie burn for a typical cardio session but I definitely had jello thighs and burning calves from all those stairs on the balls of my feet, ya know? :-) Felt awesome to feel the burn - just hope it does not delay my healing!!

Goal for tomorrow - minimal running, arm and some leg weights!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010


Saturday morning = MB's speedway day
7:15 departure from the house - after landing at 2 AM ...silly chicago delays making it the 3rd night in a row w/ less than 4.5 hrs of sleep
8:00 introduction/class
11:00 MB DRIVING :-)
12:00 heading back to "the city" ** this is when i had a nightmare while awake: I HAD CANKLES!?!?!

You literally could NOT see any part of my ankle bones. I was so freakin scared that my week of laziness was coming back to haunt me. I swore not to eat anything unhealthy for a month to get rid of them - MB consoled me that it was just all the time in an airplane (12 hrs of the past 31 + travel time on feet). Whatever - I was livid...until I woke up from 6 hrs of sleep that afternoon -> no more cankles :-D

I proceeded to eat ice cream for a snack....a do nothing Sunday :-)

Sidenote: the calf is much better :-) only a bruise and one puncher wound that is not scabbed over :-D SO PUMPED! I am going to run and do weights tomorrow morning :-D :-D

Friday, August 13, 2010

First "Battle" with the Bike

Sitting in O'Hare waiting for the 3rd flight in 24 hrs - what else to do but update my blog? (retorical quesiton - answer is nothing)

This past Saturday I went for a run - made it 12.5 miles versus the 15 miles scheduled. I was attempting to fit it all in before a friend's bday celebration. I was ready only 5 minutes late...and realized I forgot to RSVP on the evite! LAME - and I didn't feel like calling to make people wait on me w/o warning. LAME again.

Anyhoo, the 12 miles weren't that bad. Completed it within a decent pace but felt like a bum for not going the entire 15 <- never letting up on myself.

Sunday (08/08) was the cycling day. The goal was 20-25 miles. I made it 1.2 miles and decided to try the new cycling computer. It STUNK and did not seem ot be working - it displayed the same way for running so I can easily assume it is just tracking it via GPS and not the cycling computer the salesman sold for for an additional $75 or something. 11 miles out I decided to turn around to ensure I finished close to when MB was going to - the stupid computer was stinking and not motivating me to go further b/c it was stuck on one screen vs cycling through the statistic screens. Okay - so back to the drama!!

I was going down the hill at 2.4 miles...and crossing the bridge. I always slow down to a creep there b/c stupid tater tots and walkers never stay on the proper side of the path. Of course I am attempting to build confidence and go a little bit faster creeping around the S curve... survive going onto the bridge...don't break while going across the bridge (R-E-B-E-L - w/o a cause) and get overwhelmed by the feeling of going too horizontal AAAANNNNDDDD I overcorrected.

I crossed over the trial to the left side, busted by tire (prob coming back up onto the trail...silly road tires), the pedals got away from my tennis shoed feet and SMACKED me in the back of my right calf multiple times. I finally un-freak out and break HARD to a stop back on the right side of the trail.

Results: bloodly calf, busted back tire, 2+ miles away from the parking lot. joy.
I walk back - well, jog when I mentally get BORED and stop when my leg won't let me ignore it anymore

Sunday afternoon - MB plays my hero and washes my calf out w/ Hydrogen Peroxide, Rubbing Alcohol and then gozes it up. The compression tape definitely helped with the swelling - and stayed on until Thursday evening.

ATL airport Monday ROCKED
-TSA security guy stopped me after security to ensure no one had harmed me in line (HAHA)
-large golf cart driver noticed my limb and drove me the three gates in T concourse (sweeet)
-Delta gate attendant didn't find me a bulk head seat (so I could elevate the leg during the 5 hrs) in coach...but gave me one in 1st class (DARN)

This week - I told myself I'd do something w/ abs and back since I couldn't walk really well BUT did nothing. :-) My goal is to now do nothing that jeopardizes the healig process (still have the puncher wound that has not scabbed over) and run only at 3/4 the schedule distance for one week, 90% the week after then 100% distance at 80% speed the 3rd week :-)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday and still no workout :-p

So this week was a bust while in LA - no workouts. I am completely thrown off with the timezones (and my futile attempts to stay on eastern timezone might be causing the majority of the issues!).

Tuesday PM
= starving / exhausted when I got home and I gave into having to finish work before crashing.
Wednesday AM - hard b/c I did not fall asleep until 1AM PDT...ugh I even had the computer off by 10 PM PDT
Wednesday PM - had the joy of working with coworker until 10:15 PDT, did not eat until getting home, did not crash until at least 1AM again
Thursday AM - did not find the energy to get up earlier than 7..the exact time required to get up, pack, ready & get to work by 7:45. ugh
Thursday PM - got home after 10 EST when everything is closed and I am WIDE AWAKE. I did not fall asleep until at least 1:30 AM.

TODAY AM - got up at 4:30 to move cars for roommate leaving for airport, up again at 7 for an 8:30 meeting near 75-285.

I have NO idea how long it will take me to go 21 minutes of googlemap interstate to get to this 8:30 meeting & totally wishing I could just cancel but I think it's this person's first meeting of the day. (LOrd, I hate conflict lol)

I am hoping this meeting will be quick -> home by 9am! meetings don't start until noon (yay PDT working with me) so I can either
(1) sleep - fight the urge!! b/c this is the easy way out
(2) bike/run - while it's not raining, like it's supposed to be in the afternoon
(3) work - why would anyone do that?? MB is not here until Sat so I have all tonight to do this :-p

Keep ya posted (haha, create a post...goodness this feels like Tech again = no sleep)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

No workout after work

Worn out completely. I thawed out dinner (fell asleep in the chair waiting for it the thaw out in a sink of hot water :-p ), ate and now it is time to CRASH.

Discovered another issue on top of not really sleeping: MUST EAT Who-da thunk it?

Yesterday - PB&J, ginger ale on flight, trader joe's salad, 2 skinny cow ice cream sandwiches and 7 pieces of laffy taffy
Today - muffin, 3 small bites of a sandwich, 1/2 brownie...then DINNER (normal food of taco meat/bean "soup" on chips and spinach!!)
Past two days (minus tonight) = CRAP

Food goal for tomorrow = eat. Now don't you worry - not going all crazy on yall. I'm going to plead work focus / stress! :-D It's frustrating to not have the energy to workout so I'm stopped by the store to buy strawberries, carrots, string cheese, yogurt, bananas...spinach and think that's it! Tomorrow WILL be better - including starting with a 5 mile run in the AM!!

Ate dinner today AND Bedtime - before 9PM! SCORE

Morning Excuses

Good morning feet - what in the world are you still hurting from?

My feet have the puffy, bloated feeling that typically happens after a long run. The urge to take off the running shoes ASAP to make the feet feel better does NOT apply right now - lying in bed - and therefore, is completely confusing me. I don't think my feet have been this urk-ed since working double shifts at Old Navy (high school holiday seasons). Silly feet - guessing the 5 hours on a plane, 4 hours walking around the hospital and the overall 21 hr day peeved you! Went to be at 10:07 PM, finally turned off the light at 10:43 :-p

The intent was to work out this morning (6 mi) but I have wasted away the hour designated towards accomplishing that goal! Sure I could run the six now and be rushed the entire morning -> morning meetings straight through to my break in meetings at 2...then finally finished at 5 :-) BUT to save my sanity (and of those around me) I am going to attempt the post work workout and 12 hr turnaround for the next workout for Wednesday AM... ??

Revised goals for 8/2 - 5:30 PM run 6 miles, 6:30 PM abs, 6:45 PM lower body, 7:00 PM dinner and work again so I can SLEEP by 10 pm

POSITIVE NOTE: lower back is feeling MUCH better after the ride on saturday - recovered :-D

Monday, August 2, 2010

Slowing to a crawl ???

I feel like I am not getting anywhere in the attempts to get into the grey suit pants. The legs are not shrinking...and I'm losing motivation to attempt 2x/days again w/ the sleep issues I had last week. Sleep is key!!
Goal #1 - bed by 10 PM, up to workout by 5 AM

Mileage Tracking - I finally figured out how to view previous workouts on my "new" watch (from June 6th). I still have not installed the software to download the workouts from the watch - no worries about memory limits as I have not worked out enough for that to be a worry!

Current feeling - owwww I rode 30mi Saturday then attempted to run 7 miles Sunday. GOOD NIGHT is it warm and humid in Atlanta. I flat out cannot handle the heat - I drank over 2L each time. I did not average 10 min miles for the 7 miles...more like 11:30 min/mile. If that's my pace for the marathon I'm screwed and will be unnecessarily sore. 91 days 'til Marine Corp Marathon

Today - sore and exhusted from 7:35AM flight.
Tomorrow - Goal #2 is to run the scheduled 6 miles in the AM, Goal #3 legs/abs/etc with coworkers in the PM :-)