Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Signs you are sore

You might be sore if:

- Bending your knees is all it takes to stretch your calves
- You take the stairs out of your apt to prepare yourself for "game face" you'll need to take the stairs w/ co workers
- Your legs buckle while walking down (previously mentioned) stairs b/c of the pain / akward way to move
- Straightening your arms to put on socks/shoes took 3+x effort it did to lift weights
- Timing shifting legs during hour meetings to prevent locking up b/c still for too long
- Eatting less is just fine to avoid the guilt of not wanting to workout..or move for that matter

Okay - enough semi-humor for the day.

1 comment:

  1. Add to that list - you have to support yourself again the stall doors to sit down in the bathroom :P Ugh what a horrid feeling!! :)
