Thursday, January 27, 2011

End of LA trips

This is the last week in LA for work; therefore, I am attempting to wrap up all loose ends! You never realize how much is up in the air until you try to stop juggling! (and I don't have a scale to weigh myself - outside of the gym I haven't set foot in - because roomie has it packed for going home!)

Next Marathon - 16 days - AHHHHHH
Beach - 23 days - umm starting to search for larger bathing suits! and cover ups...

This week = 0 workouts for me. I haven't even done a quick abs or back in the AM or PM. My best claim to fame has been sleeping in my work out clothes hoping it would motivate an AM workout HAH :-)

Home next week = start up the gym membership in ATL without the concern of wasting it which one to get?
- Georgia Tech is closer but limited hours due to parking constraints
- LA Fitness that is ALWAYS crowded and not ventilated properly but parking is a breeze?

Sidenote: I've been blogging from my iPad and I still have not got the feel of how to type on that keyboard ... or the patience to hover over typing errors to correct them! :-p Humm even mental workouts are bringing out my laziness!

Monday, January 17, 2011

9.15 is close enough

Weigth: 165.2 (post dinner but pre-ice cream :-D )
Calorie burn: 1150 "offically" during the run
Calorie intake: pretty high - lunch out w/ TONS of bread

Today's goal was to ocmplete the 10 miler I ignored as Sunday's goal. If the title did not give it away - I did not complete all of it... I finished the 9.15 in less than the 100 minutes... so I'll just take that w/ a grain of salt.

Unfortnately, my workout made me aghusted - I have TONS of work to get done, that is not rocket science and therefore, I cannot focus while being tired! Debating how early I need to get up to finish it all before 7:30 AM mtg... current estimates are approached 4 AM. ugh.

Coworkers are all about the South Beach diet - I understand the concept: lean meat and veggies, minimal other stuff but increase to include whole grains. My mother has done this diet right before doctor check-ups so it can't be that unhealthy.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Weekend = blind spot?

Weight: 169.5
Days to next race: 28
Days to beach: 35
Calorie burn << calorie intake

My strength in schedule ( training wise ) was the weekend... After traveling during the week, I was hoping i could blame the inconsistent schedule on traveling during the week BUT now it is starting to be ALL e time. :-(

The end of last week = great discussion time with coworkers (read life complaint sessions :-D). It was a great reality check with other to ensure I am not going crazy having a hard time adjusting to the long hours and lifestyle. I will definitely have to work really hard to break this pattern of lack of working out!

This weekend was a visit frm Ms KC(M). Definitely great weather in LA to stay and avoid the lingering snow and ice in ATL. We ran/walked an hour or so on Santa Monica beach, then walked all of then touristy things of Chinese theater, wax museum, rodeo drive, etc. Definitely replaced all calories with a trip to yogurt land :-)

I was supposed to run from west wood to Santa Monica beach (10 ish roundtrip) but I was wiped out after cleaning up the apt, groceries for the week, etc. It gets dark at 5 pm here?! Going to hit the gym while watching cry fest (abc extreme home makeover).

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday Update

Tuesday = nothing accomplished aerobics wise

Wednesday = 6 miles

Finally kicked myself in the butt enough to get to the gym! Definitely falling behind on the pace schedule for the marathon - barely got enough the miles in a little hour an hour. It was very difficult to keep the typical pace up - I did the sterotypical start at the 5k pace, slowing down to run / walk debating even finishing the mileage. Got so angry at myself that I picked it back up to make the full six before the time constraint to get ready for work became a factor.

Ugh! Not liking the tight timeline for the marathon Feb. 13th! Well, I have made my bed and now I've it to lie in it! Hope I can still survive a sub 4:30 finish :-P

Tonight is a work "social" - I am attempting to finish work before 7:30 pacific so I can go guilt free! Then set the loft secondary goal of going to the gym to ride the stationary bike for at least 30 min afterwards!

Just realized that the wireless router in the corporate apartment is up and running -> going to work on using the health conscious apps tonight/tomorrow! :-)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day (?!)

Did not do abs in the morning - did the abs/back tonight.

Atlanta got 5+ inches of snow...then 2 inches of ice. My flight was cancelled - and actually earlier. This put a kink in the works of attempting the workout - HAH who am I kidding?! I wasn't going outside unless completely necessary! I wasn't getting paid for the gym - I do get paid to get on the flight. (well, to travel in general)

I looked at the running schedule for tomorrow - 5 miles in 43 minutes.
That time might be a bit lofty but I am going ot get up for the gym at 5 :-) PUMPED!!!

Bummer of the evening: NCAA football is over for a while...when is the first gameday 2011??!?! :o)

Tip: try Fage Total 2% "w/ Blueberry" or "w/ Strawberry" - this greek yogurt that is really healthy for you but fabulous tasting (I promise! most taste terrible but the fruit filling side makes it taste like pie filling - YUM!)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday = repeat of Saturday!

I did not get to the gym. Definitely woke up at almost 1pm - needing to prepare for 4:15pmscripture study. After being flustered for a few hours before I realized this was just a reflection of my priorities at this present time.

1. Caught up on sleep
2. Celebrated friend birthday
3. Caught up on laundry
4. Attempted to correct the hurricane aftermath look of the bedroom. :-p
5. Scripture study

I need to figure out how to balance things better ... Working "up to" 3 times a week is going to be harder than I thought! I will have to s week to keep myself on EST time this week ( or just make myself sleep 5+ hours every night!)

Follow up from homework: I found lots of apps - just trying a few out before I advocate for any of them!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sleep = Step 1

This week was flat out crazy in terms of work hours. I doubled my sleep with almost 12 hrs last night. Next weekend I am staying out in LA with Ms KC(M) coming out -> I can't just die on Friday with a guest :-). Goal for next week includes at least 5 hrs of sleep each night!

This afternoon cycling group I know of had a 2 pm ride... But it's cold! And I hadn't even ate at that point :-p therefor, I did not join in o the fun.

I did however, go buy an iPad! Definitely a fun new toy - and I am hoping to use it to track workouts, subscribe to magainzes but I ca also take it in the gym with me to view workout DVDs or track visuals of weight lifting routines.

Does anyone know of fitness apps or great online sources that will coordinate a routine - kinda like an electronic personal trainer? I am on the hunt! Just got the iPad to turn on and the automatic spell check is just fabulous while in any application.

Today's goals:
1. Continue the abs / back twice a day
2. Locate at least one fitness app t o track progress ( or at least add current websites to ipad for less excuse?)
3. Complete at least one workout video before dinner out
4. Plan schedule for tomorrow to include gym trip! Got to swim!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Epic Fail

soooooo work caught up to me with the end of a project -> final documentation. Last night was a 2 hrs of sleep evening with another late night of over midnight working.

I attempted to eat more healthy BUT I downed all the angel food cake w/ whip cream in the apartment :-p Not the worst I could do but it was def 3/4 of a round.

Ugh. Not enough time ot workout during the week. I HAVE to get a 10+ mile run in this weekend.

To accomplish a workout in Atlanta in Jan/Feb - it typically requires a gym membership to avoid the rainy/cold weather. I will have to research the LA Fitness deals but might just go for Ga Tech's gym b/c it's bound to be less crowded then new years resolution, lack of air circulation filled LA fitness!

1. Go to bed in hopes of 6 hrs tonight
2. Rise to finish work prep before mtgs start at 7
3. Survive until the 2:20 flight -> sleep?
5. Get up Saturday and EXERCISE until I need another sleep session (long nap :-D )

I'm ready for time inb/w projects so I can just be at the gym for HOURS and get back to baseline. :o)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tough Day!

So... results of the abs/back 2x day -> made the first day, missed the 2nd morning but onto the 2nd evening :-) 3 out of 4 thus far = passing....

I had insomnia (sp?) last night and did not get to sleep until at least 12:30 AM PDT -> I did not get up to run at 5 AM to be at work by 7:15 :-p Meetings kept me in the office until almost 7 PM - getting home around 7:15!
* FOOD was the first thought
* Teammate bday celebration snacks/Biggest Loser viewing with teammates was the second
* Report validation and final recommendation documentation was (and still is) waiting for me when I got back

No real time to run 5 miles after work.
Tomorrow's Goal - push for some shut eye in the next hour so I can get up at 5 AM -> hit the treadmill for the 10 :-D maybe arm weight lifting if I get to the gym and start running close to 5.

Self Praise: got up this morning and stretched for 20 minutes (but forgot abs/back?!) before the shower and rush of the day began. Definitely helped me relax through the ebs and flows (sp?) of the crazy day

Self Challenge: laid my bathing suit out on the dresser I have to view (and pass by) in the AM...a reminder of why in the world I should kick the snooze button habit! SCARY SWIMSUITS!! AAAHHHH

Monday, January 3, 2011

Hello 2011

So I haven't fallen off the face of the earth - I am here and still working out spuratically :-) Lots of things are happening but first things first:

AM Workout: 3 miles in 27:44, arms (3, 5, & 8 lb circuit), and 1 set of legs (lunges & step routine) with 20 (?) lbs on shoulders.

1. A coworker sent out an inspirational email about getting healthy...and it stopped me from an ice cream errand last night...and helped me when the snooze war this morning! Other coworkers are referencing the health conscious email when discussing coffee breaks, lunch plans, etc. This is making me debating making a "biggest loser" of sorts for the next company conference (in April) - but w/ various categories of % improvement in weight challenges, mileage increase in set time, weight loss overall, etc. I will have to think further on this but I think people would be more motivated if it's reported to all :-) (aka I would be!)

2. Marathon on Feb 13th = I've put off running consistently long enough! (ugh) I ran 20 miles on Christmas and was DYING the last 8. yes 8. I ate two cinnamon rolls (yumm pilsbury cinnabon) and one mimosa ... and napped 3 hrs before just going out for a stroll of 20 miles.

Damn fool is what I was! I can max 2 hrs on inadequate fuel; therefore, I will PLAN with at least basic nutrition before the next long run.
Pro - proved I can survive 20 w/ stupid planning -> 26 is got to be possible w/ some planning!
Con - ouch. I was sick as a dog a few days later as well...think I weakened my immune system w/ the 20 mi crap and then flying home w/ all those kiddos

3. Beach trip planned for the 3rd week in Feb -> need to get ready for a bathing suit. Oh. My. Goodness. I've avoided it for MULTIPLE seasons - literally haven't been to a beach (for non-triathlon event) in at least 2 yrs; therefore, I am offically scared of my swimsuits. I am going to do abs and lower back every morning and night ...small reps, 2 sets but 2x day = improvement in the 95ish AM or PM opportunities. :-)
(1) 25 bicycle (each time left elbow to right knee = one)
(2) 25 to one side (lie on back, bend knees, tilt knees 45 degree to side and hover :-D )
(3) 25 to other side (same as #2, other side)
(4) 25 center w/ split knees (work center, lower abs by crunching up to sligthly split knees)
Lower back
25 - Alternate between (left arm up, right leg up), (alt arm & leg), (both arms & both legs)

I hate the idea of the stereotypical 6.5-7 wk weightloss dream but gotta push for the vacation plans.... and it won't hurt w/ the marathon looming as well :-)