Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday Update

Tuesday = nothing accomplished aerobics wise

Wednesday = 6 miles

Finally kicked myself in the butt enough to get to the gym! Definitely falling behind on the pace schedule for the marathon - barely got enough the miles in a little hour an hour. It was very difficult to keep the typical pace up - I did the sterotypical start at the 5k pace, slowing down to run / walk debating even finishing the mileage. Got so angry at myself that I picked it back up to make the full six before the time constraint to get ready for work became a factor.

Ugh! Not liking the tight timeline for the marathon Feb. 13th! Well, I have made my bed and now I've it to lie in it! Hope I can still survive a sub 4:30 finish :-P

Tonight is a work "social" - I am attempting to finish work before 7:30 pacific so I can go guilt free! Then set the loft secondary goal of going to the gym to ride the stationary bike for at least 30 min afterwards!

Just realized that the wireless router in the corporate apartment is up and running -> going to work on using the health conscious apps tonight/tomorrow! :-)

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