Monday, January 3, 2011

Hello 2011

So I haven't fallen off the face of the earth - I am here and still working out spuratically :-) Lots of things are happening but first things first:

AM Workout: 3 miles in 27:44, arms (3, 5, & 8 lb circuit), and 1 set of legs (lunges & step routine) with 20 (?) lbs on shoulders.

1. A coworker sent out an inspirational email about getting healthy...and it stopped me from an ice cream errand last night...and helped me when the snooze war this morning! Other coworkers are referencing the health conscious email when discussing coffee breaks, lunch plans, etc. This is making me debating making a "biggest loser" of sorts for the next company conference (in April) - but w/ various categories of % improvement in weight challenges, mileage increase in set time, weight loss overall, etc. I will have to think further on this but I think people would be more motivated if it's reported to all :-) (aka I would be!)

2. Marathon on Feb 13th = I've put off running consistently long enough! (ugh) I ran 20 miles on Christmas and was DYING the last 8. yes 8. I ate two cinnamon rolls (yumm pilsbury cinnabon) and one mimosa ... and napped 3 hrs before just going out for a stroll of 20 miles.

Damn fool is what I was! I can max 2 hrs on inadequate fuel; therefore, I will PLAN with at least basic nutrition before the next long run.
Pro - proved I can survive 20 w/ stupid planning -> 26 is got to be possible w/ some planning!
Con - ouch. I was sick as a dog a few days later as well...think I weakened my immune system w/ the 20 mi crap and then flying home w/ all those kiddos

3. Beach trip planned for the 3rd week in Feb -> need to get ready for a bathing suit. Oh. My. Goodness. I've avoided it for MULTIPLE seasons - literally haven't been to a beach (for non-triathlon event) in at least 2 yrs; therefore, I am offically scared of my swimsuits. I am going to do abs and lower back every morning and night ...small reps, 2 sets but 2x day = improvement in the 95ish AM or PM opportunities. :-)
(1) 25 bicycle (each time left elbow to right knee = one)
(2) 25 to one side (lie on back, bend knees, tilt knees 45 degree to side and hover :-D )
(3) 25 to other side (same as #2, other side)
(4) 25 center w/ split knees (work center, lower abs by crunching up to sligthly split knees)
Lower back
25 - Alternate between (left arm up, right leg up), (alt arm & leg), (both arms & both legs)

I hate the idea of the stereotypical 6.5-7 wk weightloss dream but gotta push for the vacation plans.... and it won't hurt w/ the marathon looming as well :-)

1 comment:

  1. I am right there with you girl. I haven't been working out consistently since the Fall, and have been suffering as a result mentally trying to get back in/out there. I have started WW this week, so I am giving myself this week to get adjusted to new amts (read: way less hah) of food, and then will start back up with the workouts ... blah! Good luck!!
