Monday, August 6, 2012

Muggy Running

There are various levels of being prepared for the climate you will run in:
1. Sunscreen (sun ;-D )
2. Wicking material (rain)
3. Layers (cold)
4. Light weight (heat)
5. ____ (humidity)

#5 is blank as I haven't found the perfect gear that makes me feel prepared to run through the invisible wall of humidity that I find in Atlanta.  After living here for 9 years (OMGOSH that's insane it's been that long) - I would hope I'd have a better response....

Based on the dirty clothes pile in the closet, I ran twice this weekend :-)  Sadly, they were both around the neighborhood; therefore, so repetitive and circular I forgot what streets I had been down how many times BEFORE I finished the thirty minutes!  It's a weird game I play with my mind while running in the neighborhood that has the goals of never repeating streets in the same direction, touching all streets both ways, maximizing the straightaways (sprints on long segments), etc.... 

I like to tell myself I don't plan everything and force myself to start out without a plan but with every intersection it makes me uncomfortable that I don't have the perfect route planned - or can't remember which figure 8 (or longer 8 to cover 3 or 4 squares) I've completed.  Alas I don't follow the rules perfectly but I get thirty minutes of running in with less than 2 mile perimeter neighborhood :-)

Back to humidity - it's extremely hard to pass by the house, turn away from the direct route home MULTIPLE times while facing the wall of humidity every step of the way.  This deterrent was never realized while I ran on Silver Comet trail - b/c if you had the energy to go that far out, you will find the energy to run back b/c the other alternative is that it'll take even longer to walk back!  Compelling argument for the extra effort to DRIVE somewhere to run ?!

Great part about humidity - it is at its worst right before the rain, and rain is FUN!! :-)  Rain is the reason to have two pair of the same running shoe - alternate pair for when one is soaked, to travel, etc.  Ahhhhh... long runs with a drizzle = perfect.  (key word drizzle) :-)  Travel location is expecting rain this week = pumped for the high 90s and rain (hopefully drizzle around 7 pm! :-D )

Anyone else find muggy <> fun BUT drizzle = FUN!! ?? :-)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day slip away

Workdays stretch to hours requiring dinner -> then what?! actually get to the gym within 20 minutes of dinner... to be booted out within the hour...

The age old issue of "how much time justifies actually working out" is rearing it's ugly head!  My conscious efforts to workout are quickly silenced by my larger urge to EAT :-)  I highly doubt this will change anytime soon!

Stretching at night - I mean stretching out on the bed to WORK with the laptop on my stomach - counts, right?  Step towards.. ??

Okay - I need to sign up for a race.  I need a goal.  I need a deadline.  I need public pressure to kick-start and continue the process. 

Adding fuel to the lazy fire, the campus gym (yes, it's used by alumni) closes for annual maintenance = why in the H-E-double hockey sticks would I workout when it's OUTSIDE in 90 degree weather?  Yeah, my % of days working out is going to JUMP in the next two weeks - with my Sunday workout location going away....

Sum up this post = first world problems...  :-p  Goal: Suck it up and work out it the heat!