Friday, July 29, 2011

Weekday Workout

Wednesday was a long workday -> 7am first mtg to 8pm end of last mtg = le tired!

After the last meeting was 2 hrs (with food), a coworker and I motivated each other to at least a run a few hills before crashing. We were heading out of the apartments to start the run close to 9 PM!?! crazy - now that removes my excuse of not wanting to run because of late departures from work :-p but I'll prob still attempt to still use it in the future!!

So after two miles, I felt better about things -> proceeded to work late a night several times this week. It made this week feel very rough, never ending, etc -> got to balance my time better so I can work out in the AM, productive use of time while at work, and CRASH to reboot the body for the next day!

Anyone else stuck in similar bad patterns?
Goal for next: keep exercise goals in the forefront of other decisions, ensure I don't sell myself short of reaching them due to required tasks...

This weekend = get OUTSIDE and enjoy the decent morning temperatures! :-)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sleep Patterns

I love tv - sadly it distracts me from a good sleep pattern. I watched TNT until 11... yay for summer tv :-) Boo on not falling asleep until after midnight - time to chill before actually sleeping :-p

I ignored the alarm from 5 am to 6:20 - finally got up and left for work by 7... but at least I dried my hair this morning vs bun on top of my head :-)

Today I don't even remember what specifically happened - a LOT of work and processes being finalized this week = hectic!!! Team social this evening = no workout but motivation to hit the gym tomorrow morning (the apt gym tv's are back...missing yesterday). :-)

Miles = 0 :-p

Monday, July 25, 2011

Neighborhood Hills

Well, Saturday night = a lot of fun with the neighbors! I learned a new card game and drank 6ish beers...this means my 26 yr old body did not feel like doing ANYTHING until at least noon!

I kicked myself out of bed (with the help of MB) and ran this street back and forth...that would look like a U when you stand in the middle (both ends go up vertically). I ran around that 3 times and it kicked my booty!! It burnt almost 300 calories and was close to 2 miles :-p

Anyhoo, after that I felt a bit better about my carbo-loading for no reason AND pushed the hangover past the "I want to die" moments :-) I showered and went to a manicure... I tell ya, this weekend was FABULOUS!!!

Now to just kick start the pattern of working out while on-site for work...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hot Run

Yesterday evening I went for a run on Silver Comet - turned around at the gas station crosswalk (4.2 ish miles). It was NOT a pretty run as it was close to 100 degrees AND 80+ % humidity! I was hoping to run the 8.5 miles averaging 11 min / mile.

I was making it with 4 minutes to spare for 6.6 miles into the run - I get stung by a bee right above my tongue of the right running shoe, through my sock...! CRAZY! I stopped and dealt with that (flicked it off my foot, took my sock off, got water on it from the camel back, called mom and dad it see if I was allergic, etc!) for at least 5 minutes...then walked/jogged back to be only 3minutes over goal pace :-)

YAY for heat run
Boo for being the object that furthered the mission of a suicidal bee - as that is a determined bee to sting someone while RUNNING and THROUGH my sock...

Today - had a personal trainer session scheduled but traffic made me late...and I didn't make it before the person left! :-p NOW deals are fab - just got to make it happen!! :-)

Monday, July 18, 2011

How to start again

My running pace is almost back to square 1... weekend before last I went for a run in ATL expecting 9+ miles = mother nature laughed! I barely made it 3.5 before I got sick -> turned around! The 7 miles were in 11:30+ min/mi I am embarassed as I type that and following it with a "and I walked almost 50% of it" doesn't make me feel better!

The next day I was fired up to really see how bad at running I've become - I ran afterwork at the apartment gym, quick 3 miles, less than 27 minutes :-D YAY I don't suck completely...

I proceeded to take the rest of the week off. HAH.

This past weekend I was whitewater rafting, canoeing, and lazying :-) Sadly my arms were sore for a day after the water sports paddling!

Last week I went as far as puting a training schedule together for the 10/02 marathon. I haven't started it...BUT it's on the outlook = MUCH closer :-D AND today I brough "Insanity" DVDs to work apartment = might do that versus being too lazy to leave the apartment??

Tonight: going to finish work before bed so I can remove AM workout excuses! :-D GOING to start again...but not craving the runner's high/pain - yet!