Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 2 of working out

INTAKE: 2113, BURNED:2457 => -344 cal

Morning Workout:
Running :-) 5 repeats of 1/2 mile (6.7) with walk inbetween (1.5 min at 4.0)
Weights - arms using weights 3lb, 5lb & 8lb
(lower weights in attempts to make the soreness tomorrow minimal!)

Through the day I attempted to track what I was eatting...sheesh do I eat alot :-p It added up quickly with the things I am eatting! The portions were crazy and I am assuming HIGH to be safe (I hope).

Thought about working out again - EXHUSTED! (and starving) I am going abs, back and stretching for at least 30 minutes this evening. That is a heck of a lot more than previous :-) Maybe my attempts to take baby-steps so it's more sustainable?? (ah - have to love my self rational!)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Ten before Turkey

The scale is not my friend.

I am offically that girl who does not like the scale. Yes, I believe the reason I started this blog was a visit to the doctors office woke me up to being 10 lbs over my typical college weight...but now, alas - I am 1 lb below my heaviest while on track. Mind you I was a BEAST while doing track...like benching 145 beast, squating 300+ beast. Weighting 172 back then was not shocking - being less than 10% fat was..."sigh"

TODAY: SOOO this definitely motivated me to go to UCLA track and do stadiums again :-) 1 lap of running 300m + the 15 aisles of stairs [up & down] is approx .78 miles. My initial goal was 4 laps [again, if you've read previous posts] - I completed two strong thanks to a coworker that joined me :-) Thanks JM!! I did not fair so well when she decided to do lunges and such instead of just pounding out the stairs - I relaxed to doing up one aisle, down the next...cutting the stadium portion almost in half [UsicGA readers - 15 is not an even #]. :-D The workout was great! I know I'll feel in the AM but definitely something I needed to do after being PO'd at the scale. I mean really....??

Goal: ANYHOO - focusing on what to do now (b/c otherwise it's wasted time, right?) I mentioned this issue w/ MB and he mentioned he had 15 over his typical - I concluded we could both aim for 10 before December! He paused (over the phone) and said "well, I could do that before the middle of September" Thank you for your honesty but GRR. men.

MY GOAL is going to be down "10 before Turkey" ...b/c frankly the holidays will screw things up anyways and I want to be on the right track before them :-D

Ways to accomplish this:
- 1 hr of working out in the AM and PM while on-site
this is going to be tough but if skinny was easy, everyone would be!
- food tracking w/ runners world . com
look at previous posts...I just haven't utilized this great tool since writing about it (SAD). it's a free WW-ish website that will let you piece together recipe components to estimate calories, compare intake to burned (by involuntary and exercise)
- SMARTER exercise: just running won't cut it! weights, circuits, swimming (ugh)

PS Can you tell it's almost football season??? :-D

Sunday RUn

Atlanta = humid

I lost lbs of sweat but no mileage or speed accomplished! My goal (recovery plan style after calf fight w/ bike) was to run 1/2 of the scheduled distance of 18 (aka 9 for all you UsicGA peeps). I did not even get that far!

When I make it out 3.75 miles...that was it! I did not want to go any further for that had taken me just as long as 4.5 should have! Sadly it involved a heck of a lot more walking than a "run". "Sigh"

Finished the 7.5 pathetically but met an interesting runner who is from the San Diego area, works at the CDC (knew of a friend there) and used to travel for a living (hence his commute to ATL transitioned to a move a long time ago). It was great to hear someone else's struggles with marathons (his most recent was the Disney in Jan). Too bad I don't have the 50+ excuse for slow finish times...and I think he was beating my times by an hr HAHA :-p

MB kicked booty by biking 20 in the time I took to run 7.5 :-D Yay MB!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Signs you are sore

You might be sore if:

- Bending your knees is all it takes to stretch your calves
- You take the stairs out of your apt to prepare yourself for "game face" you'll need to take the stairs w/ co workers
- Your legs buckle while walking down (previously mentioned) stairs b/c of the pain / akward way to move
- Straightening your arms to put on socks/shoes took 3+x effort it did to lift weights
- Timing shifting legs during hour meetings to prevent locking up b/c still for too long
- Eatting less is just fine to avoid the guilt of not wanting to workout..or move for that matter

Okay - enough semi-humor for the day.


Left arm - cannot straighten past 160 degrees
Right arm - not as sore as left but tight
Legs - calves are still sore from stadium, thighs screaming from weight
Back - tight from work weights, lower sore as well
Booty - oh goodness: OWWWW lunges obviously do focus on the booty!

Revised goals:
AM: up early to stretch (30+ min) in attempts to MOVE today!
PM: maybe jog 3-4 miles (?) but I don't want to work out so late in to PDT time that it makes it hard to fall asleep...we'll see how tired I feel! :-)

(this is going to be interesting...literally worried about looking strange while moving today!)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Butter Fingers...

No - not the candy.

Worked out this morning:
- 5 min warm up jog 2.0 at 6.8
Arms w/ 5, 8 and 10 lb - definitely was an eye-opener with about 10 minutes in having the muscle begging for me to stop...ugh who would think that 4 months off would make a difference? hah. I actually debated stopping knowing how much it will hurt in just a day - of course I didn't!
Legs - no weights just lunges and stuff. It was great to finally work toward slimmer thighs!
3 sets of this cycle:
- 10 front lunge
- 10 back lunge
- 10 side lunge
- 10 side box step up
- 10 rear leg on box lunge

Butter fingers comes from my unability to hold onto the shampoo bottle, bar of soap, razor AND facial wash! Silly hand muscles just couldn't function...what a preminition for how I am going to feel tomorrow - and even better the day after!

This evenings goal was to run a few miles (schedule says 7 but recovery mode = more than 3 miles). I even had daily mass on my schedule - as usual work threw my plans out the door and laughed :-p Took a dinner & blog break -> back to work! I would say daily mass in the AM but we have work mtgs until 7:30 PM tomorrow so I need to work out in the AM... You cannot have it all - we can all just try day by day, right? :-D


Thanks to my LA roomie (yay!!) I was motivated to walk to the UCLA track and utilize the stadium and track :-) Walking over was a great warm up - lots of hills. Got a wee bit nervous about the calf as it was being whiney on the way over!

Initial plan was four x [300m around the track + up and down every staircase] ...15 staircases from the track to the top - in total so that's 60 up and downs. When the first lap proved to be difficult, definitely came to the realization that four might be too much for Day 1 back.

1st 300m - 1:42 jog (if you can call it that :-p )
1st set of stairs - 9:30+ whew!
2nd 300m - 1:50
2nd set of stairs - 14:00+ wow!! sore calves were NOT happy with this workout selection!
3rd and 4th 400m walked w/ Allie -> 370 calories total

Very low calorie burn for a typical cardio session but I definitely had jello thighs and burning calves from all those stairs on the balls of my feet, ya know? :-) Felt awesome to feel the burn - just hope it does not delay my healing!!

Goal for tomorrow - minimal running, arm and some leg weights!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010


Saturday morning = MB's speedway day
7:15 departure from the house - after landing at 2 AM ...silly chicago delays making it the 3rd night in a row w/ less than 4.5 hrs of sleep
8:00 introduction/class
11:00 MB DRIVING :-)
12:00 heading back to "the city" ** this is when i had a nightmare while awake: I HAD CANKLES!?!?!

You literally could NOT see any part of my ankle bones. I was so freakin scared that my week of laziness was coming back to haunt me. I swore not to eat anything unhealthy for a month to get rid of them - MB consoled me that it was just all the time in an airplane (12 hrs of the past 31 + travel time on feet). Whatever - I was livid...until I woke up from 6 hrs of sleep that afternoon -> no more cankles :-D

I proceeded to eat ice cream for a snack....a do nothing Sunday :-)

Sidenote: the calf is much better :-) only a bruise and one puncher wound that is not scabbed over :-D SO PUMPED! I am going to run and do weights tomorrow morning :-D :-D

Friday, August 13, 2010

First "Battle" with the Bike

Sitting in O'Hare waiting for the 3rd flight in 24 hrs - what else to do but update my blog? (retorical quesiton - answer is nothing)

This past Saturday I went for a run - made it 12.5 miles versus the 15 miles scheduled. I was attempting to fit it all in before a friend's bday celebration. I was ready only 5 minutes late...and realized I forgot to RSVP on the evite! LAME - and I didn't feel like calling to make people wait on me w/o warning. LAME again.

Anyhoo, the 12 miles weren't that bad. Completed it within a decent pace but felt like a bum for not going the entire 15 <- never letting up on myself.

Sunday (08/08) was the cycling day. The goal was 20-25 miles. I made it 1.2 miles and decided to try the new cycling computer. It STUNK and did not seem ot be working - it displayed the same way for running so I can easily assume it is just tracking it via GPS and not the cycling computer the salesman sold for for an additional $75 or something. 11 miles out I decided to turn around to ensure I finished close to when MB was going to - the stupid computer was stinking and not motivating me to go further b/c it was stuck on one screen vs cycling through the statistic screens. Okay - so back to the drama!!

I was going down the hill at 2.4 miles...and crossing the bridge. I always slow down to a creep there b/c stupid tater tots and walkers never stay on the proper side of the path. Of course I am attempting to build confidence and go a little bit faster creeping around the S curve... survive going onto the bridge...don't break while going across the bridge (R-E-B-E-L - w/o a cause) and get overwhelmed by the feeling of going too horizontal AAAANNNNDDDD I overcorrected.

I crossed over the trial to the left side, busted by tire (prob coming back up onto the trail...silly road tires), the pedals got away from my tennis shoed feet and SMACKED me in the back of my right calf multiple times. I finally un-freak out and break HARD to a stop back on the right side of the trail.

Results: bloodly calf, busted back tire, 2+ miles away from the parking lot. joy.
I walk back - well, jog when I mentally get BORED and stop when my leg won't let me ignore it anymore

Sunday afternoon - MB plays my hero and washes my calf out w/ Hydrogen Peroxide, Rubbing Alcohol and then gozes it up. The compression tape definitely helped with the swelling - and stayed on until Thursday evening.

ATL airport Monday ROCKED
-TSA security guy stopped me after security to ensure no one had harmed me in line (HAHA)
-large golf cart driver noticed my limb and drove me the three gates in T concourse (sweeet)
-Delta gate attendant didn't find me a bulk head seat (so I could elevate the leg during the 5 hrs) in coach...but gave me one in 1st class (DARN)

This week - I told myself I'd do something w/ abs and back since I couldn't walk really well BUT did nothing. :-) My goal is to now do nothing that jeopardizes the healig process (still have the puncher wound that has not scabbed over) and run only at 3/4 the schedule distance for one week, 90% the week after then 100% distance at 80% speed the 3rd week :-)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday and still no workout :-p

So this week was a bust while in LA - no workouts. I am completely thrown off with the timezones (and my futile attempts to stay on eastern timezone might be causing the majority of the issues!).

Tuesday PM
= starving / exhausted when I got home and I gave into having to finish work before crashing.
Wednesday AM - hard b/c I did not fall asleep until 1AM PDT...ugh I even had the computer off by 10 PM PDT
Wednesday PM - had the joy of working with coworker until 10:15 PDT, did not eat until getting home, did not crash until at least 1AM again
Thursday AM - did not find the energy to get up earlier than 7..the exact time required to get up, pack, ready & get to work by 7:45. ugh
Thursday PM - got home after 10 EST when everything is closed and I am WIDE AWAKE. I did not fall asleep until at least 1:30 AM.

TODAY AM - got up at 4:30 to move cars for roommate leaving for airport, up again at 7 for an 8:30 meeting near 75-285.

I have NO idea how long it will take me to go 21 minutes of googlemap interstate to get to this 8:30 meeting & totally wishing I could just cancel but I think it's this person's first meeting of the day. (LOrd, I hate conflict lol)

I am hoping this meeting will be quick -> home by 9am! meetings don't start until noon (yay PDT working with me) so I can either
(1) sleep - fight the urge!! b/c this is the easy way out
(2) bike/run - while it's not raining, like it's supposed to be in the afternoon
(3) work - why would anyone do that?? MB is not here until Sat so I have all tonight to do this :-p

Keep ya posted (haha, create a post...goodness this feels like Tech again = no sleep)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

No workout after work

Worn out completely. I thawed out dinner (fell asleep in the chair waiting for it the thaw out in a sink of hot water :-p ), ate and now it is time to CRASH.

Discovered another issue on top of not really sleeping: MUST EAT Who-da thunk it?

Yesterday - PB&J, ginger ale on flight, trader joe's salad, 2 skinny cow ice cream sandwiches and 7 pieces of laffy taffy
Today - muffin, 3 small bites of a sandwich, 1/2 brownie...then DINNER (normal food of taco meat/bean "soup" on chips and spinach!!)
Past two days (minus tonight) = CRAP

Food goal for tomorrow = eat. Now don't you worry - not going all crazy on yall. I'm going to plead work focus / stress! :-D It's frustrating to not have the energy to workout so I'm stopped by the store to buy strawberries, carrots, string cheese, yogurt, bananas...spinach and think that's it! Tomorrow WILL be better - including starting with a 5 mile run in the AM!!

Ate dinner today AND Bedtime - before 9PM! SCORE

Morning Excuses

Good morning feet - what in the world are you still hurting from?

My feet have the puffy, bloated feeling that typically happens after a long run. The urge to take off the running shoes ASAP to make the feet feel better does NOT apply right now - lying in bed - and therefore, is completely confusing me. I don't think my feet have been this urk-ed since working double shifts at Old Navy (high school holiday seasons). Silly feet - guessing the 5 hours on a plane, 4 hours walking around the hospital and the overall 21 hr day peeved you! Went to be at 10:07 PM, finally turned off the light at 10:43 :-p

The intent was to work out this morning (6 mi) but I have wasted away the hour designated towards accomplishing that goal! Sure I could run the six now and be rushed the entire morning -> morning meetings straight through to my break in meetings at 2...then finally finished at 5 :-) BUT to save my sanity (and of those around me) I am going to attempt the post work workout and 12 hr turnaround for the next workout for Wednesday AM... ??

Revised goals for 8/2 - 5:30 PM run 6 miles, 6:30 PM abs, 6:45 PM lower body, 7:00 PM dinner and work again so I can SLEEP by 10 pm

POSITIVE NOTE: lower back is feeling MUCH better after the ride on saturday - recovered :-D

Monday, August 2, 2010

Slowing to a crawl ???

I feel like I am not getting anywhere in the attempts to get into the grey suit pants. The legs are not shrinking...and I'm losing motivation to attempt 2x/days again w/ the sleep issues I had last week. Sleep is key!!
Goal #1 - bed by 10 PM, up to workout by 5 AM

Mileage Tracking - I finally figured out how to view previous workouts on my "new" watch (from June 6th). I still have not installed the software to download the workouts from the watch - no worries about memory limits as I have not worked out enough for that to be a worry!

Current feeling - owwww I rode 30mi Saturday then attempted to run 7 miles Sunday. GOOD NIGHT is it warm and humid in Atlanta. I flat out cannot handle the heat - I drank over 2L each time. I did not average 10 min miles for the 7 miles...more like 11:30 min/mile. If that's my pace for the marathon I'm screwed and will be unnecessarily sore. 91 days 'til Marine Corp Marathon

Today - sore and exhusted from 7:35AM flight.
Tomorrow - Goal #2 is to run the scheduled 6 miles in the AM, Goal #3 legs/abs/etc with coworkers in the PM :-)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

June 29th - Now

Attempting to update this for the month that I've lost....I have a new watch that I do not know how to view the historical data. That is flat out annoying. I really am a goal oriented person - so it's bad when I cannot see progress (or get motivated by lack there of). Okay - offically resolving to be positive!!!

Since blogging last lots of great things have happened:

(1) Started circuits (10 min videos with P90X dude...) with coworkers! It was an eye opening experience at my lack of strength (could not complete the videos I used to get through w/ relative ease) and embarassing the level of soreness I felt in my abs and arms! Running does not do everything your body needs - crazy concept eh? I was definitely motivated by my awesome coworkers who joined me for two evenings to do two 10min videos. Thanks chicas! Def excited to repeat again this week :-)

(2) Track workout!! Finally took the time and found UCLAs track and ran on it. Maybe I shouldn't have by the looks of my 400m times...ugh! I came in thinking I would do 6 or 8 x 400m repeats. I ended up doing 4 (84,95,106,98) at very SLOW times. My goodness have I slowed done :-p This is an awesome wake up call to fit in more track/speed workouts vs just plugging along to rack up mileage!

(3) Long runs outside w/o music :-) It feels so much better to run outside than inside when it comes to times over an hour! The without music thing came by chance of not having headphones - it actually didn't drive me crazy (well relatively). I was surprised how much I kept track of my breathing, pace, etc but would you expect anything less from a control freak without music as a distration?

Anyhoo - I will attempt to keep up with this more often, realizing yall might not care about the exact #s and the feelings behind it are prob more interesting anyways, right?? :-)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Computer distractions

Have to give a shout out: MB rocks! He got up sub 7am this Sunday - got the hitch and bikes on his car and we rode 8.5 before I had a meeting at church. AWESOME. He is flat out AWESOME. b/c (1) he hates mornings (2) hates biking in this humidity (3) worked around my schedule to go together (4) pumped air in my tires and forgot his ...awwwww (5) SURPRISED me by joining me for church after my meeting. LOVE HIM :-)

In true techie form - I get distracted by my computer. Literally. I can have all the best intentions in the world to hit the gym before or after work and I don't make it b/c of playing on the computer.

I even wake up sub 5 am and GET UP to eat the pre-workout munchies - still manage to search stuff, read, work, etc unti 7:15 forcing myself to RUSH to get ready for work and haul booty to the hospital.

Then after work - I get home have either (1) snacked at work just before leaving so I am not starving or (2) grab enough to silence the tummy. Both options do not help -> still plug in the computer and attempt to FB stalk my friends to ensure I still know what's going on while I'm MIA :-p Next thing I know - it's 9pm and I have 1 hr until the gym closes (useless) and 2 hrs of work to finish (or my boss just called w/ something).

Goals for this week sound very famaliar to previous:
- Set times for personal time and follow through w/ it!
- Designate times to attend daily mass around LA apt
- Work out AT LEAST 2 out of the 3 mornings in LA
- Bike AND run AT LEAST 2x EACH this long weekend

I have this circuit workout from a magazine that I thought looked very easy and kicked my butt the night of the NBA finals game 7...only know that b/c every gym TV was on that AND there were non-exercisers in the lobby TV area hanging out. Thinking I should start w/ that + running on the training schedule. Guess I'll find out once I get my BOOTY IN THE GYM!

(super secret goal: I want to fit into my grey suit pants...the 3 piece suit is down to 2 piece unitl the abs get flatter!)

Friend visit to LA

Hi Everyone!

Weekend before last - I had HS best friend fly out to LA. It was great to see her again (a few times in the past year vs 4 times in college!). We definitely did all the Hollywood/LA sightseeing stuff I would not be able to get MB to do!

A favorite part of this weekend has to be the getting lost in the car trying to find Hollywood & Vine (the stars in the sidewalk) - finding it - only to realize we wanted to be at the Chinese theater (?) b/c the walk of stars is not the same as the hands and feet imprint place... Anyhoo - through the getting lost, we actually saw a lot of Hollywood!

Another fun activity we did was biking along the path from Santa Monica pier to Venic beach. It was definitely easier biking out to Venice beach and lots more effort to go against the wind on the way back :-p It was definitely better than running the path :-) (although it was very crowded so not a place I would recommend for long mileage rides)

Just a quick shout out to my girl Amanda for putting up with the time changes to explore LA! :-)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Awake but not workout

For the past two mornings, I have been awake sub-6am and still find ways to preoccupy my time until it was necessary to get ready for work.

- up at 5:45 Co-worker got wireless router = I can get internet other than RIGHT next to the TV in the main room. I tried out this HULU.COM thing and finally saw Greys Anatomy season finale. (totally want to see what's next for the Cristina/Owen and Mer/Derick sagas)

Thursday - up at 6 Recently shared my outlook calendar with boss and co-worker. This prompted a comment about my daily mileage as an all day event until it moves to the time I actually completed it. What a great accountability thing! But then there was confusion about how I keep fly-outs (people visiting me in LA) on my calendar...so they thought I was leaving at those times...so the need to separate the calendars was apparent. I proceded to research outlook options and play around w/ filters on appointment types, etc for at LEAST 1.5 hrs. At 7:15am I realized I literally had 20 to get ready and LEAVE for the hospital to make my 8am meeting (and I did).

Subconscoiusly I think I created the personal calendar seperate from the generic work one to remove the accountability. I would like to believe that's not the case, hoping I would compelte the workouts and not worry about others knowing those to-dos left on the day long denotion where NOT attempted BUT I think that was the case....


- determine if evening workouts will really throw off the early to bed goal (attempting to stay close to EST while in LA Mon-Thurs)
- figure out the food requirement for hte afternoons to prompt a stright to gym vs FOOD at 5pm
- post frequently to make not working out even more embarassing... DailyMile.com is working a way. 3 miles for this past week = sad!

Anyone try the heal/calf stretch in the previous post?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Catch up Confusion!

You know you haven't posted in a while when...
You review the dailymile.com and it says Tuesday. You confuse this with this week's Tuesday and tihnk "I'm not that far behind!"

Hah - so May 21st was awhile ago!

5/22 - Ran 3, went to GT Presidents dinner and survived the night in a dressy dress
5/23 - Ran 12 - avoided the scheduled 24 miles...
5/25 - 5 miles
5/26 - 6 miles
5/30 - RODE 9 miles, RAN 10 miles (whew finally getting the mileage up)
5/31 - RODE 12.8 miles (got MB to come w/ :-D )
6/02 - 2 miles relaxing before the marathon
6/06 - 26.2 (really longer b/c I didn't run the exact lines of the course)

San Diego Marathon
Cool location - really enjoyed surfing, beach time, etc the Friday before. Saturday was the zoo :-) The course was okay - down hill the frst 6-7, uphill 8-11 then coast the rest of the way.
2:05 first half - decent timing. I was trying to go slow to keep my pace up better at the end.
mile 16 - walked the ENTIRE MILE
mile 20 - walked 1/2 mile
miles 23-end Met up with the lady named Kelly from Minnesota. She was running in memory of her mother who just passed away this spring. The last few miles (as anyone who has done a marathon) are just brutal. It demoralizes the runner beyond training would have prepared. She was debating her ability to finish and that was just not acceptable.
I was 20 minutes away from the 4:30 goal with only 1.4 miles left...but it was more than worth it to walk it in (and we both jogged the last 0.3!) and ensure she had a great last memory of that marathon. :-) Made my 4:36 seem even better than a sub 4:30.

I was an idiot about my blisters...I did not even pay attention to them. I ran the following Tuesday in hopes of relaxing my legs a bit (THEY HURT A LOT!!!) My right heel got infected (joy) and I didn't notice until attempting to walk around the airport Thursday. When I did not even debate the wait for the train from Terminal A to baggage claim...I knew I shouldn't ignore this any longer (typically it's worth the peace of mind to just walk!).

- get the calendar to reflect the proper workouts in prep for 10/31 marathon
- post pace of each workout on calendar, with the goal of a 4:15 time
- organize a weight lifting schedule, need to!
- reienforce the stretching and abs time into every day at the gym :-p

06/14 - I ran 3 miles in 26-27 minutes and did arm weights. I am sore from the pathetic amount of arms I did complete. WOW is that a wake up to get a move on! :-)

Tip of the Day: (might have posted this before)
To stretch your calves - put something (I use the edge of a flip flop) under the ball of the big toe. This elevation of just this part of the foot makes it a deeper stretch - yay :-)

Friday, May 21, 2010

I'm alive - I swear

Hello :-) so there's a lot that I've done (including working out) since 4/19 so let's start catching up!

Conference in Orlando week - I actually ran 2 out of the 3 morning there (I don't think Friday made the cut lol).

First week flying ATL-LAX did not have weekday runs...
BUT I found the gym the second week
- (Tuesday AM) got in 6 x 1/2 mi run in....great to not just log miles.
- (Wednesday AM) 6 miles.
- (Thursday AM) 8 mile plan - time constraint = 5 :-p
Weekend - Trip to Indy!!! Fun
- Sunday shortened the 22 miler and made it 15 b/c of time...ugh

I felt guitly from cutting my long runs short -> actually worked out T,W&R
- Tues: 7 mi plan - 7 completed....just slow
- Wednes: 5 mi plan, 5 mi finished
- Thurs: 8 miles cut short by electrical testing -> 5.5 BOOOO
I was on a good pace, breathing, etc.... grr
- Saturday: FIRST TRIATHLON of the season!

Turtle Crawl - 600yd swim, 15mi bike, 5K run
swim: ocean....first ocean swim
AHHHH I had not swam in at least 4 weeks & 600yd was pushing it to begin with but wow was the ocean part the thing that kicked me in the booty. My swim time was almost 2x that of the rest of my age group (obviously a point to work on but I knew that already...)
T1: first transition was okay - I think under 2 minutes
Bike: 50ish minutes for 15. not too shabby and I'll take it after the awful experience of WALKING through the ocean against the undertow!
T2: less than 40 seconds :-) YAY for sprint tri shoes (thank Mom & Dad for my bday gift)
Run: 8:30ish min mile pace. not too shabby but I hope that picks up when I'm not in the high mileage section of marathon training... of course this would have more of an affect if I was actually RUNNING the long runs :-p Overall: finished 1:42 and 3rd in my age group...I think 62 out of 300+ that completed it so yay. good start to the tri season

This week: ummm I ran Tuesday morning. it was 6 x 800m at 8 min mile with 1 min rest inbetween.
I don't feel like a strong runner who is just able to conquer a marathon without a doubt. I have doubts. I feel like I'm going to look like that illprepared person out on the marathon course :-p I HATE being unprepared for things. ugh. I hate unprepared people :-p

Goal: this training plan has a 24 mi run this weekend. I might just bite the bullet and do it tomorrow morning to FORCE myself to make time for it. Sundays get hectic w/ Why Catholic at 10am, Prayer Group 6:30pm and attempting to hang out w/ MB sometime inbetween (as well as prepare to head back to LA for the week). UGH. Wish me luck and speed b/c worst case scenario this 24 mile time is 1/2 hr away from what I can expect 2 weekends from now in the marathon!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Cleveland Weekend

I had tons of fun visiting MB's family and friends in Ohio for a wedding weekend! I fit in one run (the first morning) of about 6 miles. It felt great to run somewhere with the air NOT filled w/ pollen blowing in your face. Crazy concept I know - enjoyed every second! I fit in 5.5ish miles in less than 50 minutes. Definitely a GREAT run (have to admit it was pretty flat).

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend - definitely did so and did not get in anymore workouts :-) oh! I guess you can count dancing at the wedding right? :-D

MB took his car to the airport this week (no bike hitch!). This is supposed to help me work on swimming and running more...ugh. I am going to miss riding my bike b/c it's just SO much easier than running :-p

Goal: hit the gym to swim, weights & run!!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Flight or fight?

Hah - the title is related to getting an earlier flight or accomplishing the huge workout day... I chose the earlier flight :-)

I did manage to squeeze in a 12.4 mi ride (46ish minutes) and felt good after the 3rd mile. I lost track of time as my goal was 45 minutes and I rode 24+ out. I busted a move to get back by 46:15. I was ubber proud of that :-D

The run afterwards was not pretty. OMG shaving for bathsuits and biking shorts do not mix. End of story. (not really, but sounded dramatic eh :-D ) I felt every stride and did not like it! I guess shammy-butter (?) does have a purpose and I should investigate using some for the next workouts :-p My goal for the run turned into getting back to the car ASAP so I could retain whatever mobility possible for this weekend.

I can see it now:
"Hi I'm MB's gf of 4 yrs. Great to meet you!"
"Great to meet you too. What happened? I seems like you are waddling."
"Oh yes, I have issues."

:-p Oh goodness....

I survived -> 2.6 in 25+ and showered -> switched flights -> rushed to airport (thanks ES!!) -> waiting at the gate now :-p I'm looking forward to running in OHIO w/ less pollen!!!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Slacker Day

I could have totally rearranged my day to fit my 6 mi run in during daylight hours but I have successfully put it off until getting ready for a church dedication and dinner w/ my sister.

My legs do not feel as dead as they did yesterday at this time - hopefully tomorrow's long workout day will be good! I am officially skipping swimming until Monday (worried I haven't paid for April gym dues -> after 15th = 1/2 month due :-D $$) so just 85 min bike & 7 mi run... I'm pumped! Hopefully 85 min ride = 25 mi & 7 mi (7.4 b/c of markers) is under 75 minutes!

Hope everyone is enjoying the Atlanta weather through pollen filtering glasses (masks...)!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Daily Mile

So - KM introduced me to a great website dailymile.com and that was definitely the only reason why I went out to workout this evening. Look me up!! I waited so late that I could not get in the entire workout BUT I definitely got good stuff out of it.

The 5 mile run (actually 2.6 out and back -> 5.2) was pretty good! I went faster on the way out (uphill portion) as I still have not figured out I cannot pace myself at previous fitness level times (aka not a 8 min/mi person yet...but soon!). The first mile was sub 8...whoops! I finished out at 48 minutes so definitely proud of myself! :-)

The bike ride afterward felt so sluggish. It did not feel fun (something unheard of for cycling to date). I did not want to ruin my relationship with my bike (HAHA) so I was debating how far to go... the sunshine was running out -> limiting me to less than an hour ride. I had to come to a COMPLETE stop at least 3 times on the way to the 3.7 mile market and was SO PO'd with:
- Parents who were not watching their children who were swerving back and forth across the curvy path (congrats on your children working on not being the obese % of america but you nulled out any positives by still allowing them to be IDIOTS)
- Obvious walkers who stop and turn directly to their left deciding that they are going to stop on the opposite side of the trail WITHOUT LOOKING...umm, ????
- Companion bike riders that cannot figure out how to contain both bikes on one side of the trail...and cannot figure out what it means when you say "On your left"...therefore remain on the middle of both sides ??

This ride just helped me believe the statistic that the national average IQ is 110. Lord help us all b/c we are going to be taking care of each and every one of them.

(Stepping of the soap box - back to the exercise summary)

I was frustrated -> shaved 2 minutes of the time coming back compared to on the way out. I finished the 7.4 miles in 26:15! Pumped to have gotten the lactic acid out of my legs from the long run!

Anyone surprised I avoided the swim until the gym pool was closing? (aka 9pm) hehe some patterns are harder to break...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Stubborn is a syn for stupid (e.g. ME)

Today's goal was to complete the 18 mi run I postponed from Sunday. Note to self: never switch up the long run schedule again...it's getting old and doesn't bode (sp?) well for the body to follow up a "hard" day with another hard workout day :-p

The 18 miles were terrible. I disliked it from mile 2 on...and that's a long time. My legs felt like lead the entire time (a sign you should just STOP and try another day but not this stubborn girl!) My eating pattern was off from just having bfast and fish meal after burning 2500 yesterday - it felt like I was just DRAGGING. It took me for freakin' ever to finish the 18 miles (embarrassing 3:54...so ashamed to officially share that). I was eating blueberry chews and got SICK while running (twice). Just say no to blueberry!

Sidenotes on the environment:
THANK GOODNESS FOR 2 INHALERS!!! I was still wheezing (another sign to stop - ignored)
- Licking your lips normally is bad b/c it wears off the chapstick sun protection BUT now it means pollen will clump there ?!?! terrible.
- Everything I wore was yellow-ish when I finished.
- I had pollen pooling towards the front of my legs b/c of running (haha not moving that fast)

- Finished 18 miles (best thing to be said about today)
- My knees are hating me (can't run away from rabid dogs...clothing test in Eight Cousins by Alcott ? or is it Rose?)
- My thumb looks freakin' normal (what a let down...and it hurt so bad :-p)

Goal for tomorrow:
- swim 400m, 4x100m, 4x50m (ugh, see if I survive)
- run 5 mi
- bike 60 min :-)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Riding w/ a Group

So the plan was 18mi run -> 40 mi ride -> church
The actual was 7mi run -> 30 mi ride -> church (w/ no time for real food = cranky)

The run was cut short today b/c of the lack of sleep I got from rolling onto my thumb at least 4 times last night AND the fact I wanted to be good for the group ride as I did not know what to expect pace wise. I ran walk the first 4.5 in 42...then walked 8 min (w/ a potty break). To finish the race, I attempted to keep below the 10min/mi pace for the remainder of the 7.4....and succeeded :-) W/ walking almost 15 minutes of it, I finished in a little over 72 minutes!

Meeting up with the riding group was great. Everyone I have met involved in cycling has been very cheerful and overall pleasant experience! The pace for the first 15 out was different as we stopped at the various bike shops to catch up as a group (space b/w varied w/hills, pace, etc). Then Brad (the bike mechanic I met at the bike fitting Friday) and I def picked it up on the way back. What's so challenging about biking w/ him is that I like to really push through hills and basically sprint level overall...and then coast. He was at the same overall pace - forcing my coasting to be at a minimum. This constant pedaling caught up to me w/ 7 miles left...ugh I love/hate the quad burn!!! :-D (more love than hate)

To regain energy after the 2487 cal burn -> downed a protein shake before showering -> PB & crackers at stop lights -> 2 granola bars in the parking lot -> rushed in and was early.... regret set in pining for some solid food (even the McD's I passed on the way to church). Survived therefore there are definitely worse things in life!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!!! One last exercise to conquer w/ the bum thumb -> swimming (and we all know I'll put that off as long as possible!)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Be on my right side

Habitat was great until the 4th to last board of siding to be nailed. I helped hang the insulation throughout the house, paint the front and then hang siding after lunch. Ugh on silly hammers. I was actually doing pretty well until...I smacked my thumb. I'm a lefty so it was my right thumb.

Oh how I have ignored your importance oh right thumb. Turning the ignition on the car, shifting gears...all difficult in the not so graceful get away :-p clipping of the seat belt, holding forms to register at the quick care -> all weird. (sidenote: it took 30 min to be seen, borrow in nail did not relieve pressure as it had not gone all the way back to the point the doc made the hole?!?!, 45 more minutes to get someone else in there to wrap it up obnoxiously like it was the end of my thumb)

Getting home to shower 1 handed -> interesting. Oh right thumb, how useful you would have been in washing my left arm - I was attempting to keep you dry. And the all essential task of deodorant...silly left pit was just out of reach for complete coverage. It was interesting feeling like a 7th grade boy attempting to figure out a bra...the claps were hard to find and will be interesting to find again. Ugh on delay for dressing! Right thumb - you are definitely missed!

P.S. Typing is annoying b/c right thumb = space bar! @#$()*

Friday, April 9, 2010

Bike is offically "fitted"

Finally went by Performance Bicycles (?) and got the few week old bike fitted to me :-) The only adjustment that was required was the seat needed to be moved forward. Sadly, I noticed how much more comfortable it was right away!

I was convinced to ride w/ their group on Sunday at noon. They typically go 40 miles at an avg pace slightly faster than my usual... I am supposed to run 18 miles to stay on track w/ the marathon training. So the tentative schedule for Sunday:
07:00 - up, bfast
07:30 - pack up & drive to SCT
08:00 - hit the trail running (haha...oh and w/ bike locked!)
11:00 - finish 18 miles
11:30 - hit up planet smoothie for a guilty pleasure of 400+ calories!
12:00 - Hit the trail riding! (w/ the group!)
02:00 - finish ride, pack up to head home
02:30 - home! (shower and rest for 1.5 hrs before leaving for church)

Goal: survive habitat build tomorrow, plan ahead for Sunday = smooth hectic schedule!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Almost Human

Today was great progress in terms of pink eye and breathing. Tomorrow I am going to adventure outside of the house :-D I have a bike fitting scheduled for 3pm tomorrow! Yay for buying a new seat and getting everything set up! Sadly I am debating if I should go on my schedule 2 hr bike ride earlier in the day b/c I won't have a clean pair of biking shorts (I don't want to be stinkY!) lol sad debate....

I finally went through pw my mom gave me of medical, school, car records, etc. Within the pages of school records, I found the physical fitness records of the schools in Tennessee! My timed mile in 2nd grade was 7:30 ?? The time flux from 7:30-8:15 for the 3 years I was in that elementary school. That's flat out crazy :-) I definitely celebrate running an 8min/mi pace during races...and that's my goal pace for the 5K segments of the sprint triathlons this summer.

Summary: debating working out w/o contacts in.... if I do: ride 128min, run 7 mi, abs/stretch -> bike fitting!!!! PUMPED

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pink Eye

Woke up w/ one red eye again -> went to the doctor this morning.

After clarification that it was pink eye, my new doctor wrote 4 other prescriptions for allergy stuff (2 inhalers, singular and allegra). I was worried about the cost of the 5 Rx's but it was only $80 total! :-) Def pumped as the previous $$ was over 100 for just the two allergy pills. :-p

The doctor freaked me out when she discussed how inconsistent allergy medicine could be creating scar tissue on my lungs?! Ugh on asthma. I was researching triathlon coaches for $100/mo (crazy I know) but now it will be allergy medicines for $100 a month :-) I think my body will thank me - and I will have the extra coach money in hopefully a few years (ah hemm silly student loans).

I am sick of not working out (strange I know) but I am in a delima (SP?): no gym b/c pink eye, no outside b/c pollen air! Silly silly....guess tomorrow = home abs and stretching to start...maybe run outside? (ugh I feel like I'm breaking the rules towards getting better.) Hope everyone is faring well with the pollen in ATL!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Meds day 2

Learned my lesson - went by Rite-Aid for some nyquil and vick's for tonight. Definitely got - oh - maybe 2 hrs of sleep at once! Crazy allergy time -> 2nd day of taking $$$ medicines.

My goals for this week:
** swim and run 5 x 1 mi repeats at the gym this evening. Time will show if the meds are in my system yet or not!
** schedule my bike fitting for later this week! That will also entail (sp?) a new bike seat YAY!!!
** officially join USATF to save on triathlon registrations
** register for this season triathlons (June, July, Aug, Oct ??)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Allergy Med Day 1

Boo on taking the ubber expensive allergy medicines. I AVOID them at all cost b/c if I take the two pills recommended, it costs almost $110 for 30 days. This does not include the regular inhaler, the pre & post workout inhalers, etc. I just refuse to pay that much.

Unfortunately for my cheap a$$, I've also become lazy in taking the OTC zyrtec (sp?) the past few weeks so the outdoor time (biking, running, etc) finally caught up to me! I broke down and took one of both of the expensive pills this morning. I see stars when I cough -> thinking this will lead to a co-pay moment (boo on doctors!).

I am debating working out (DEFINITELY in a gym) today but might wait until tomorrow for the meds to get working! Finally eating sweets again and not working out -> WHOOPS :-D

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter = Chocolate!

Definitely a great day to celebrate! I enjoyed a HUGE meal w/ family and friends (wahoo for Mom & Dad coming in town)!! MB spoiled me w/ 100 donut holes and a dozen sublime donuts when I got back from 8am mass. Needlesstosay TONS of sweet leftovers (as well as tons of normal food from the feast).

No workout today - recovery from 40 mi + 7 mi.... swim + run/wts tomorrow :-p
(Determined to post everyday to "keep in" (aka create) the habit)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

40 miler completed!

So this morning MB & I went on an adventure to get a lock for my bike while on the hitch rack (so I can run after riding) -> totally pumped to try it out!

The ride was going well - cruising through 15 and decided to aim for 20. 20 would not be accomplished in the 64 min I had planned (64 out, 64 back), but I stretched it by 7-8 minutes and made it! I took a few minute break and Tim (new friend) rode by. He stopped when I was just trying to say good job - and said he would ride back part of it with me (he lives off of the 13 mi marker).

The ride back was very even-keel, very low pace through mile 13 but it was great to hold a conversation, learn tricks of the trade, hear that his son teaches bike 101 classes at Atlanta Cycling in Vinings (small world), etc. So at mile 13, he went off the trail to head home and I realized that is was already 1:47:--. That is NOT cool... 13.3 miles left and 43 minutes left towards the goal of at least finishing in 2:30:--. SOO - I BUSTED A MOVE :-)

When I got to the 0.9 mile marker I was shocked to see that it was 2:27:-- Sweet!! Calculating that out....I averaged at least 18 mph for those 12 miles around the multiple intersections, silly 2x2 walkers on both sides, unpassable periods of time, etc. SO pumped! I finished the last mile -> sub 2:30:-- AWESOME!

Getting off the bike on such a high was great! Getting ready for a 7mi run after -> not so exciting :-p lol After tying up the bike w/ the new lock, I felt like I had to at least attempt the run! There is no 3.5 mile marker -> had to continue to the 3.7 one. No biggie until you hit the last part of the run (UGH).

GOODNIGHT does it feel so much SLOWER when you are running after riding. I felt like I would never reach the next mile marker sign - thinking "OMG this is going to take FOREVER!!!" I ran the first 57 minutes (almost 6 miles) and DIED. I literally walked the at least 1.4 miles back to the parking lot, finishing in 77 minutes. Oh well - it's a start to doing HARD brick workouts! (triathlon term: bike -> run w/o break)

Hope everyone got outside to enjoy the WONDERFUL weather!!! :-)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Another reason to do long runs on Sundays...

So after the long run - everything hurts (to be expected). Unfortunately, this puts me behind in pool time, weights and biking for this week! This weekend is Easter and will be a wee bit hard to fit in all the workouts to end the week on a good note - so I guess I'll have to disregard all the missed workouts thus far and just keep up with those already planned for this weekend...

Boo but still trying! Yay for sweets again in just a few days :-D

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

15 miles. check

SO I completed the 15 miles. That's the only good thing about it! Sad time of almost 3hrs :-p After 12 miles, I had to keep moving (but it was a walk) b/c I was at least 3 miles away from my car.

I did a MapMyRun.com thing and went up peachtree -> N Druid Hills -> Briarcliff -> N Highland -> Viriginia ave (or something like that). The entire route did not have sidewalks! I stopped around mile 8 at a McD's for bathroom break (and small powerade as some of you know I feel guilty for mooching a bathroom w/o buying something). I stopped again into a Kroger for a bottle of water (refill the nalgene) about 11.5 miles.

UGH on the wall at mile 12. I literally felt the top of my feet hurt...along w/ the typical bottom of feet, ankles, hips, etc. WTF?? 11 more miles ontop of the 15 in just 68 days?!?! I definitely have a long way to go!

NOT swimming or weight lifting. Just NO. Might go to Longhorn by myself but I don't feel like I've earned it w/ my pathetic time :-p BOOO I think all the traffic stops added time...and deflated my spirits when it was such slow mile splits. Next time: I will run just peachtree road up and back vs all the side streets...Alright. Ending on a positive note: the 15 miles were completed!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday - still tired!

So Saturday definitely wore me out! I casually rode my bike for the scheduled 77 min and got out to the 9.2 mi marker and back :-) Not too shabby for not pushing myself too hard.

It was COLD while I was riding w/ layered SS and LS shirts on. My fingers and toes were numb -> this did not motivate me to run 15 miles when I got home. Tomorrow's forecast is for much better (warmer) weather tomorrow near the 76 so 15 miles then! I feel bad for always delaying the long runs but at least they are being accomplished, right?

Sunday = day of rest

KC(M) recruited me to join her while she was joining a few guys to Primal. The dancing and staying up after a HUGE workout day was not in the plan, but I'm glad I went b/c it was great to hang out w/ my BFF. I don't know if my thighs were sore Sunday from dancing (haha) or the weightlifting, running, riding or swimming :-)

It was dreary outside Sunday (for the most part) and I did not feel a pep in my step to run 15 miles (aka dragging booty on lack of sleep) so I rainchecked to Monday! Oh the joys of not having an office to report to....

Monday goals:
- Bike 77 min SCT
- Run 3 x 5 mi loop around campus (4:45pm -> dark then remainder on treadmill)
- Swim 700 m (4x100, 4x50, 4x25)
We'll see how long my energy lasts!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

WHEW!!! almost a 3000 cal day

It was a cold morning (42 at 8:30) so I delayed getting ready until at least 9am. To test how bad I have become at running, I ran first today! :-p 5 mi in 47 minutes isn't terrible, but it's definitely 5 minutes slower than I was 6 mo ago! Whatever - it was completed :-)

After running I did weights and another of this week's swimming (4x100, 4x50, 4x25). The 25m things at the end were great! I breathed normally (ever 4 strokes) without freaking out, kicked fiercely the whole time, etc :-) I stretched but skipped any abs to get to SCT (Silver Comet Trail) before too late in the afternoon.

Biking was great!
Someone joined the trail about the 4.2 mile marker and kept about the same pace as I did all the was through mile marker 16.88 (64 minutes into my 128 min ride). I thanked him for allowing me to follow him through unfamiliar territory and apologized if he felt stalked. He laughed and said it was fine.

First Bike Fix: On the way back, around 5 mi marker, I had trouble slowing-going while looking for traffic on a crosswalk and dropped my bike. The chain fell off the gear wheel (?) and I literally looked down and said, "$hit! My bike isn't working!" A cyclist around me chuckled and fixed it easily in like 5 seconds. THANK YOU!!!

After I survived the rest of the ride back - for a total of almost 34 miles (whew) - I wanted to treat myself to a protein smoothie from planet smoothie! I went by the one near the Vinings Publix but it had a sign "Cash Only - sorry for the inconvenience". EEK! I found a smoothie king via BB for the route home but it wasn't the same. Sad...guess it'll have to be after the next LONG ride :-)

Tomorrow is supposed to be a 15 mi run but might delay that until Monday if it's raining. I could do it all on a treadmill, but I prob won't want to! :-)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Debating rest??

Last night, KC(M) and I hit up 411 Studio for their beginner pole dancing class :-p (it was on group.com people) KC(M) teasted me about how easily I picked up on the spin...oh goodness! Def for entertainment only as an hour burned less than 250 calories. They warned us our arms would be sore but it is my left calf!? I really have never hurt the inside, upper part of a calf. Typically it's deep inside the very back, center - I have no real idea on how to stretch that part of the muscle!

Another weird thing about this injury: it doesn't really hurt while walking! This leads me to believe that everything should be fine during my workouts but I hate the idea of paying $$ again to see a doctor if I screw this up. The last foot and then numb shin thing turned out to be a bust :-p

Moral of the story: yoga / pilates for a few hours tonight to really stress out my calf to see if it will freak out during the long ride and run I have planned for this weekend! :-)

I am open to suggestions on (1) if I should workout/when (2) what stretch to try to hit that particular part of the calf (3) jokes about it ;-) haha

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day of rest

I finally crawled into bed around midnight; therefore, a 5:30 am swim & weights did not seem in the works! I am very sore today and overall no pep in the step -> giving myself a day of recovery before back to swim, 5 mile run & 70 min bike Friday :-D Saturday looks like a GREAT day for a long bike and swim...

I am looking into joining the Atlanta Triathlon Club - they are having an information / sign-up session this Saturday at Atlanta Cycling 4:30 - 5:30 pm. Anyone have PROs or CONs of this club? :-)

Realized while swimming yesterday 2 very key things that are probably second nature to all that swim: prob nothing earth shattering to others, but I am pumped to be progressing out of complete novice to swimming!
1. USE YOUR LEGS - never paid attention and assumed they were kicking hard...they were not. Now I know I cannot kick decently for over 50m at a time...def point for improvement!
2. BREATH ON BOTH SIDE - who actually breathes turned to the right? hah - well, I tried and not like it affect the graceful look of my stroke but GOODNIGHT do I need to work on not looking like a bobbing head turning up and to the front. :-p

Anyhoo - off to Studio 411 (see earlier post) this evening w/ KC(M). Def going to be hilarious to try to pole dance...NO PHOTOS ALLOWED :-D def not counting it as a workout :-p

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Second ride = much harder than first!

Hit silver comet trail a little after noon - definitely felt tired right away :-p I quickly moved out of the hardest gear (what I was in the majority of the ride yesterday) and maneuvered through the trail to the same point as yesterday. I must have been so excited during Tuesday's ride I did not remember the actual mileage of the turnaround point - it was actually 8.6, not 8.1 miles to the parking lot.

So very excited to know I'm making 17.2 miles in 70-ish minutes (closer to a 4min/mi average even w/ the traffic light breaks!) Anyhoo - survived the 2nd day in a row of biking. Tomorrow will be the 3rd and then a Friday break before a Saturday or Sunday long ride :-D

Made it to the gym after 7pm (had to drag myself there) to swim the same routine as Tuesday but was pumped to see I read the schedule wrong and today's running was just 3 miles! :-D

Swimming went well (yay for lane to myself), running did NOT! I assumed three 9min miles would be feasible but NO! I only survived 1.2 miles and had to decrease it to a walk....then back to 9:15 to finish the 3 miles in 30 minutes. EMBARRASSING....I guess I have more work than I thought to get ready for the San Diego marathon. EEK! 74 more days...

First Solo Ride & Shared Lane Swim!!

Tuesday was B-E-A-U-tiful - I adventured to take my first solo bike ride on Silver Comet Trail. It was not too crowded (like Saturday) but at least 3 riders or walkers were seen between each distance sign. I rode to the 8.1 mile sign and back.

Lessons learned:
- the first 4 miles have TONS of crosswalk (aka takes a while for the light to change)
- the hardest part is getting back on the bike and cross the road!
- the middle post on the opposite side of the crosswalk is my enemy!! (I almost hit it EVERY TIME)

After that adventure - I realized I could not leave my bike on the back of the car and run...for fear my bike wouldn't be there when I got back!! Ugh - did not follow the plan! :-p

Once 5pm rolled around (when I can park on campus) - I went to the crc at 6pm. The pool lanes were full (after I changed and everything) so I ran first. The 3 x 1 mile at 5K pace would've been fine if I wasn't ambitious and say that a 7:30 min/mi is my 5K pace (that's my goal pace for 2010 lol). Needless to say, I did not survive at that pace and brought it back down to 8 min/mi and barely survived after breaking it down to two 1/2 mile segments for the 3rd mile. Whoops!

I completed leg, arm, lower back and abs and headed to the big adventure: swimming!!! There was finally a lane available around 8pm. The workout (4x100, 4x50, 4x25) was okay. I got through freestyle for the entire workout minus breaststroke for the last 25 of each 100m. :-) About halfway through, a girl asked to join in my lane (b/c it was still crowded). I couldn't be rude so I didn't object. She turned out to be a triathlete who had completed an Ironman and multiple 1/2 ironmans.....CRAZY!! She of course was a swimmer and built up the running segment, but ANYHOO - she was very understanding of my warnings of being a bad swimmer :-p

Morale of the story - I did not die from sharing a lane :-) Might be more consistent is swim workouts now that I know this!!

Goal for Wednesday:
- 70 min bike ride again...repeat Tuesday's distance: at least 16.2 miles
- 5 mile run
- 4x100, 4x50, 4x25 swim (work on reducing the rest inb/w)

Monday, March 22, 2010


BRRRRR high of 46 after a great weekend...ugh I officially did nothing today fitness wise. The weather was not motivating as it was in the 30s this morning. Definitely need to get past this to get in weights and swimming 3+ times this week :-p

Tomorrow goes back up to the 60's and no rain :-D
Goal: AM - Swim, weights ... Afternoon - 70 min bike ride, 4+ mile run

Eccentric Group Exercise Classes: YAY for working on fitting into KC(M) schedule to go to 411 studio together and use the groupons I bought - I bought two to con someone into joining me for moral support during the classes!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bike Ride!!

So after the big purchase weekend (last weekend) - finally got out on the bikes this Saturday for 8+ miles! The adventure began w/ getting the bikes to the location -> MB got a swanky hitch/rack thing and the bikes stand up in it! I really like it b/c even I can use it on my own (well, I haven't tried on my own yet but hoping!).

Ride started out 1pm ish and out on Silver Comet Trail. We rode out 4.2 miles (signage on the trail) to picnic tables - ate an awesome lunch - rode the 4.2 miles back to the parking lot. This was a great intro to wearing those weird biker shorts and the uncomfortable bike seats! Definitely going to take some getting used to! MB would also like the point out that the first 4 miles are up hill so going back was much easier!

Pumped about getting the bike broken in ASAP (bike shop dude said proper fitting is recommended after 6-8hrs of riding)!!

Goals for this week:
- Swim 3+ times
- Bike ride 3+ times (tues, wednes, Thurs and Sat = awesome weather forecast)
- RUN 3+ times
- Weights (at least) 2 times

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Almost 12 miles :-)

So I used mapmyrun.com and created a route around piedmont park to make 12 miles (and end at the smoothie king!!). Great plan -> now run it! :-)

3:30pm got out of meetings early -> hit the pavement! I was on a roll b/c I parallel parked pretty darn well - off to a good pace and kept track of my rout written on a gum wrapper :-p

Mile 10.5+ as I approached ponce / north avenue on highland avenue again...I realized I took ponce the first loop when I should have continued to north! Eek! I decided to continue w/ the route and remap it when I got home to see how much I fell short...Normally one would think the polar equipment that track miles would help me out in the situation BUT I have it calibrated a bit off using a new pair of shoes; therefore, it's about 0.4-0.6 miles shorter. I have not re-calibrated it yet because I like the extra motivation as I think I am going slower than in reality - forcing myself to keep the pace up!! :-)

So after surviving (burning 1600+) and a great smoothie king (556 cal activator strawberry), I get back to my parallel parked car to have a ticket! Ugh - what's up with a ticket on St. Charles and 10th b/c I did not have a resident sticker?? The route was 11.76 miles - close enough for government work! Check that run off for this Sunday as I'm booked 8:30am - 8:30pm w/ 2 2hr blocks....whew!

Goal: swim in a few hrs...might become 12 ;-) haha

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dislike CRC

So I refuse to swim with others in my lane...I think I've tried for just a few laps w/ MB in the same lane. This has become a HUGE issue as the pool is always too crowded to have my own freakin' lane.

05:30 am - every lane taken
11:45 am - every lane taken
05:30 pm - every lane taken
06:30 pm - every lane taken
08:00 pm - ??

The pool closes at 9 pm so I'm hoping the 8pm timeframe will work. The main reason why I was paying $10 more a month AND going to a gym that did not include group exercise classes was for the wonderful aquatic facilities. ...frustrating :-p

- ran 3.35 miles in 30 min at 1.5 incline... that killed me
forgot my water bottle so didn't survive weights after it (literally 2 arm sets in -> left to attempt to swim again)
- heading back to the gym to try to swim again...maybe not b/c I'm grumpy about it! lol

Inconsistent workouts = inconsistent posting :-p

Friday: ran a few on the treadmill, swam for the first time in 2+ weeks, hardcore arm and leg weights :-) definitely SORE before I left the gym let alone the next two days

Saturday: purchased a cross bike for MB & a scattante road bike for myself. We both should not need another bike for at least through my first ironman (haha) I was too sore to ride the bike around too much during the test ride - or was it my fear of riding in general?? :-)

Sunday: glanced at the bikes while walking back and forth (not time to ride together.. :*-( next weekend...)

Monday & Tuesday: thought about going for a run - literally did nothing (2nd day = even mapped it out on mapmyrun.com and did not even do that!)

Wednesday: now it's rainy all day and ruining any motivation to go do anything BUT two major things need to kick myself into gear
(1) I need to get better at swimming to stay on schedule w/ increasing triathlon distances
(2) I need to get ready for the San Diego marathon June 6th!

Oh! and checking out upcoming tri's to hopefully motivate myself on the swimming, I was thinking about
- 06/13 West Point Lake sprint tri
- 06/27 Aflac Iron Girl sprint tri
- 10/03 Lake Lanier Island sprint tri <- this one for sure b/c it fits into the football schedule LOL :-)
Let me know if you are thinking about doing some of these!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

2nd Day after run = not as sore

How did 5 meager miles make my quads ache all day yesterday?? Crazy...Feeling better today so getting back on schedule!

I did not make it to the gym yesterday but I remembered how easy it was to get to campus (running) so I could park around and then jog in... note to self: leave swimming and biking stuff in gym locker

So today I am going to walk in (w/ a bag to leave in my locker) and get my swimming in the middle of the day. I hope this translates to not crowded but I'll find out at 1:30 this afternoon!

- swim my 20 min routine (3x100, 3x75, 3x25)
- jog 4 miles (6.5 @ 2.0 incline)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

10...I mean 5 mile jog :-p

Okay so my body can't handle an hour of running. This is weird and will be remedied quickly (hopefully). I planned a LONG run in the B-E-A-U-Tiful ATL weather this afternoon and I got in a loop of just over 5 miles when my body went "tomorrow is another day!" LOL I guess two days in a row will be better than 1 day and a HUGE break.

- Swim this evening! Must conquer the enemy!
- Run again tomorrow (and swim!)
- STRETCH the knee out...silly power of suggestion is working (arthritis)
- Nurse the feet blisters (ugh...no fun part of getting back into shape)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Missing a few days :-)

Hello accountability :-p

Boo on proof I skipped a few weeks. I have worked out a few times since the last post but nothing really huge. I should really feel the anxiety of a marathon June 5th but I don't... I hope that kicks in soon!

- Running outside is an option with is soo pretty in ATL
- Buying tri bikes for MB & I this weekend!! so pumped to have my own!!

Today: run a few outside??, swim!!! at the gym (ugh)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Nerve Test = charlie horse calf :-p

Nerve test to continue the search for why 1/3 of my left shin is numb/tingling. Results came back my nerves are normal (contrary to popular belief that I might indeed be crazy).

The test was $$ for just higher voltage than the massage therapy I used to get on my lower back. They jolted my calf/foot to test connectivity and then sound frequencies to ensure strength of muscle (no effects noticed).

The end result = no answers and lots of lingering pain. Similar to a charlie horse affect...but it lasted ALL freaking day. 4pm appointment would have been more convenient but no worries - another test down!

Goal: finally swim after almost a week of avoiding it :-p (calling the waaaambulance for myself)

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Ms Alexis kicked some major behind today! Please read about her amazing race experience http://www.alexiskim.com. I appreciate her efforts to complete the race for me - I am humbled at her determination and grateful for her strength!

As for me - it was a huge cluster of activities. The conflicts between weekends collided b/c of superbowl and V-day plans all ending up on this Sunday = not enough time in the day! The 7 miles did not happen today - but if tomorrow is anywhere near as pretty: first outside run!!! :-D

Goal: Keep positive! Keep moving!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Feeling behind schedule...

I am attempting to be patient with my routine increasing back up to marathon schedule, but running 5 miles at 6.0-6.5 is just not good. I feel so slow (and still winded) at over 9 minute miles. Well, just going to keep chugging along ... hoping the pace will increase gradually (ugh).

Friday: I held the DVR of the new Grey's Anatomy hostage in exchange for hitting the gym. It worked ;-)
- Did not swim (over crowded)
- Ran 5 miles.
When I got home, P90X yoga video was 7 minutes in. I finally joined 14 minutes in and finished the 90 minutes. Okay, not really did the whole thing through the falling, laughing, etc. but enough of it was attempted to check off the completed box!

Saturday: finally forced myself to the gym at 7 pm :-p
- Biked 58 minutes - over 18 miles Sadly I do not know the exact mileage b/c of the 30 minute limit of the cardio equipment :-p
- Weights: arms & legs This "new" (week old) weight level felt lighter than usual :-)

Goal: fit the 7 miles in the crazy Sunday schedule! No time for excuses when it comes to the first long run in months!! YAY!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

You've got to be kidding me

"Extreme arthritis in the left knee" ... I'm 25. what's it going to be like at 50? let alone 75??

Background: inner, left part of my shin has been tingly for over a month. It feels like similar to hitting my funny bone but on my shin. I noticed it while shaving, thought it would go away but after a month - Wednesday = went to the doctor to check it out. Not a stress fracture - x-ray revealed extreme arthritis in my left knee. (? No pain but it will now by the power of suggestion!) So Doc says onto a nerve test on Monday and an MRI after that if need be. Seriously, it doesn't hurt. I just wanted to know it's not serious!

Wednesday: did not happen. I should have attempted at least something small but I used Ash Wednesday as an excuse.

Today: 2 am and 2:42 am calls from "wrong number". I proceeded to call the number back with my alarm. Surprisingly they sounded like they were being woken up :-) I got too much pleasure out of it

Did not get to the gym on little sleep and used the excuse of work to not go before dinner. Today is another day of swimming (UGH) so I've talked myself out of working out TWICE. I have got to see something positive in swimming...

I've reached the point of no return for today BUT tomorrow is friday = less attendance in the gym!! (Yay for me b/c less crowded!!!)

Goal: stretch and abs before bed, gym in the am

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

3 miles closer...on the marathon schedule!

So I am thinking about the Kona marathon in Hawaii vs the Derby marathon (since I have not planned ahead for Derby tickets for this year). It's June 27th and would be an awesome excuse for my first trip Hawaii :-D Has anyone run this marathon or in Hawaii? I'm thinking it will be humid...

This week marks "week 3" of a twenty week program. Technically it is week 1 for me, but whatever - I'm not scared away from high mileage at the end (b/c mentality is biggest part of a marathon in my opinion).

Pros: Proud I fought the masses to get in a PROPER 5 min warm-up, plyos, stretch and THEN 3 miles, leg weights :-)
Cons: Took complete advantage of the Fat Tuesday title and ate TONS of not so good for me stuff. No worries though - giving up sweets for lent! (that should cut out 1,000 calories a day EASILY. no joke!)

Tomorrow = five miles or rest...the body will let me know my limits towards a PM gym visit during yoga and abs in the AM :-)

Rep #s or Focused

Anyone ever researched which way is better: minimal focused on form repetitions OR completion of the set of repetitions with not complete accurate form

I am going to google it later :-) I recently moved up to a new set of weights (5, 7.5 and 10) to (7.5, 10 & 12.5). When doing my arm weightlifting this morning, I noticed I was rushing the heavier weight lifting set and wondered if this was improving my workout or hindering it. I can do the lower sets the proper, slow way (2 second "out" and 3 seconds back to "neutral"), but I cannot do the newer weights in the same manner.

Have I thoroughly confused everyone ?? :-)

Anyways, I swam the 3x100, 3x75 and 3x25 workout again. Still left like I was crashing after the first 3x100. I think breathing is going to be my new goal...you know, that involuntary thing :-p

Another goal is to figure out what I can actually fit in before getting ready & driving on-site for an 8 am start. I think it will be only 1.5 hrs of gym time - which will prob mean 2/day to fit in the various cardio and weights. The 1st 2/day will be TODAY! I am hopefully tricking myself into going back by holding the running for the PM session :-) hehe sneaky sneaky!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

RUN: 3.12 MILES!!!

First run since end of December!
00:00-07:30 6.0
07:30-22:30 6.5
22:30-30:00 6.0

Honest truth: I felt like I was DYING at minute 15 but was too stubborn to give in to slowing it back down. It's going to be a LONG way to get ready for the Derby marathon at the end of April!

After the wonderful first run in FOREVER - a short lesson in self-defense from a friend. It was great to flip someone over! I'm not good at it yet (prob would scream and RUN like heck if someone came after me) but it's a step in the direction of feeling self reliant in almost every situation!

What have any of you tried as a new workout that gives you that awesome kick-booty feeling? (eg me flipping someone over today!!)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Just Keep Swimming!

This morning I hit snooze twice BUT finally got up and to the gym for a 5:35 in the pool :-) The 100 warm up wore me out... proceeded to try the first 100 of the workout and it quickly became the first of 3x50! I felt completely DONE so the 3x100 & 3x25 were breast stroke :-p

Thank you to a good friend for the 0-1650 workout, but I'm going to work on the 0-700 workout first. Guess I'll have to build up to doing the workout more so than I originally thought!

Pros: finally swam for the first time in months
Cons: no abs or stretching afterward - need to budget time for important end of workout routine (maybe split weight lifting to two days upper/lower body)
Trying to move on from an incomplete workout week - using the whole "it's a new day" mentality is not easy!

Workout tip: when doing the quad lift machine
- 15 reps with toes pointing straight up
- 15 reps with legs & toes pointing inward (working outside-top of thighs)
- 15 reps with legs & toes pointing outward (working inside-top of thights)
- 15 reps with toes point straight up
The inward and outward of the legs requires me to literally lift and twist my thigh "muscle" (fat) around for the exercise.

Excited about shopping for a new workout toy: Triathlon Bike :-) My tax return will be going towards a good tri bike to get me all the way through the Ironman! Please let me know any advice of where to shop, if you'd like to shop w/ me, etc! PUMPED!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bandwagon is Rounding the Corner...and now out of sight

Fallen off the bandwagon would be appropriate for few days ago!

Monday evening:
- workout videos w/ friend (40 min)
- forgot swim cap and goggles -> turned round to home and didn't get Day 1 in...

- Left for gym at 5:30
- Pool lanes were full...only 2 weren't double occupied = turned around and changed for cycling. I won't swim w/ others yet - I'd hurt the other person. Literally! So frustrating the entire campus showed up at 5:30 AM to swim?? What in the world...
- Cycled for 48 min, weights for arms and legs
- No time to change back and swim before 8am

- Unmotivated to return to swim later in the day

- Lazy and did not get up early with alarm (reset it actually for an hour later to at least get yoga and abs at home before 8am)
- Did not go in the evening...I was enjoying watching Bones on TNT too much! haha

- Forgot to change my alarm back to 4:55 instead of 5:55....so not enough time to get in the entire workout; therefore, unmotivated to go at all.

I am in the "all or nothing" mentality that will not help anything once my work life picks back up to 80+ work weeks. Anyone else get into this rut of thinking, "If I don't have time to get everything I want to done, then it's not worth doing just a small part!" ??? Feeling very frustrated with myself.

Goal: Abs every hour at home. Kinda a punishment to kick start myself!
Debating the evening workout tonight - ugh people w/ New Years Resolutions need to leave already (so I can selfishly work out b/w machines quickly!) :-p

Monday, February 8, 2010

Weedkend <> Workout!

(<> means "does not equal" and yes I know I'm a nerd)
The two W's did not mesh well this time!

- Productive time at the gym: cardio, arm & leg weights
- Blew away all the progress partying that evening.
It was my birthday party so those calories don't count, right? :-) It was great to see everyone!! I did not track my partying consumption - (uh oh is right!)

- Complete day of recovery!
Walking to and from the fridge to refill my water glass during the Superbowl game was my only exercise!

Today is Day 1 Olympic Tri Workout for the Turtle Crawl Tri - Jekyll Island BUT
- Did not go to bed early (after doing nothing all day)
- Slept through the morning workout
I am debating a mid-day session at the gym but more than likely going to fight the masses for the evening time! Ugh on the sleeping pattern still being a problem.

A great friend of mine has volunteered to do a few workout videos with me starting this evening. We'll see how our schedules match up but I'm pumped to have a planned meeting to hold myself accountable. That might be the kick start to get myself to the gym (at least tonight to make up for this morning!)

Goal for today: swim for the first time in months...no excuse b/c the short hair can def fit under a swim cap!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Brace for the bulge!

People fall off the work out bandwagon because they don't see results fast enough. Similar to this, the reason why I don't like starting back is I get POOFY! (sp?). I get bigger in almost every aspect, before I get even back to normal...then never have enough patience to get to the "smaller" part of the time line.

I mentioned in the first post of this blog that 165lb mark was the kick in the butt to get start, but now I've been approaching 170 every time I check. I realize I shouldn't be checking everyday - I measure to really track if I'm drinking enough water to maintain the same weight before and after a workout. GRRR

Frustrated at the poofy stage - proud I showed up - excited to kick my booty past this icky stage. Oh goodness, sadly debating the affect of this poofy stage on the wardrobe selection! :-p (yes, I'm that silly)

Here's a wish that we all can push through whatever wall we are hitting and can "Break on through to the other side!" (what song is that?? the who ?? :-D )

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Epic Lazy...

Sadly - I did nothing but suduko this evening and did not go to the gym.

The 6 toll house cookies @ approx 200 cal each did not help my cause today...w/ less than even normal cal burn :-p

TV & lights off at 11:30 -> gym by 5:30!!! Determined to be healthy tomorrow!

Doesn't the last part remind you of the joke "Procrastinators of the world unite - tomorrow!"

Regulating the Sleep Schedule

Tuesday - awesome afternoon! I snoozed through the AM but went to AHS for 4 hours then the gym for 2 = wonderful evening! I was tired but stayed up until 1 AM because I'm CRAZY.

I need to get on the normal sleeping schedule because working out in the evening will not always fit into the schedule. Another issue is the threat of a ticket! I get to the campus gym before 5 pm to beat the evening crowd but that means a potential $50 ticket if the parking people aren't lazy (hah).

DVR will save my booty if only I put it to use and quit staying up all freaking night! Anyone else have a relapse into college sleeping schedule?

Sadly I was wide awake at 5:30 this morning (and stayed awake) but my feet hurt from the workout within 12 hours. Blah on recovery time being off for one time - got to suck it up! Attempting to get to the gym tonight... :-p

On a positive note: researching getting someone to teach me self defense as a cardio activity! I'm pumped! Always want to be more like Bones :-D

Monday, February 1, 2010

Case of the Mondays

NY skiing was fun - definitely not falling while trying to stand up but not having fun while going skiing down...yet :-p It was a great weekend catching up with MBs family and we celebrated my bday early! Yummy dinner and dessert!

This morning I was REALLY sore from skiing - my feet in particular. I took that as en excuse this morning to go back to bed. I did not overcome the disdain for the evening crowds, thus - no workout today! Agrh. Tomorrow is another day...if only I ate like I didn't burn 1000 extra calories!

Anyone else get a case of the Mondays? I'm usually pumped for the first weight lifting day of the week - hope it works to get excited tomorrow morning!

Friday, January 29, 2010

TGIF does not transfer into the gym??

Every Friday I feel like a have an extra source of energy to get through the day, but in the gym - not so much. I discussed this with another gym-goer this morning about how we are proud of just showing up...and tend to slack on intensity on Fridays. Example - 30 min biking = barely 8miles when it was 10 on Monday. I can chalk it up to Fridays or being sore from the first week back - pick your poison! :-)

Quick ab thing I did complete this morning (really hurts, I mean works)
- Move: Bicycle (lying down, opposite knee to elbow, alternate)
- Timing: 5 slow to each side (count 1-2-3, switch, 1-2-3, etc)
THEN 10 fast to each side
- Repeat that 3-4 times OUCH :-D
Let me know if you love it! haha

This weekend I am off to ski - a removable booty holds your foot in place similar to that of a ski boot right? ;-) I'll find out while hitting the slopes Saturday and Sunday. I hope to get in at least half days of skiing to count that as workouts, but the highs for Sat & Sun are 14 and 21 respectively. (AHHHH) For someone from ATL, that's CRAZY! Packing a huge suitcase of lots layers!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Say NO to calorie counting, say YES to being aware :-)

Dr appointment verdict: 2 more weeks of booty (as need be) - move up to Elliptical in 10 days and treadmill light walking after that. I'm beginning to think this doctor doesn't realize what I'm already doing (HARD cycling for 30-60 min, weights including legs...) :-) He wants to see me again in two weeks but I might cancel b/c it hasn't hurt since Dec 22nd!

Today - fell off the bandwagon. I completely reset the morning alarm and assured myself I'd work out in the evening. I HATE the huge crowds in the evening, but I actually showed up?!?! I got an hour in on the bike before dirty looks from the gym staff and didn't find space to do abs (darn ;-D).

Tip of the day:
Try runner's world training calendar!

I have the basic account (pros and cons in a second). This is a great calendar to track each type of exercise completed, duration, calories, heart rate levels, etc. You can import from most tracking devices (haven't figured that out yet).

The part I'm excited about is the meal tracker. I AVOID calorie counting but I was shocked to add up what I was eating. They have all the USDA and consumer report data for quick reference to generic product name brands making the process really easy. Just knowing what my standard intake equates to calorie wise will help me keep myself in check.

Pros - great way to track calories in and out
Cons - no way to post future workouts (on the basic account level)
This is an issue when I'm trying to remember what is required for the upcoming event's (tri, marathon, etc) training program...

Let me know what y'all think of the program or if you have one you like better!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Starting the blog guilt factor worked!

Literally the first thought when I wanted to hit snooze at 5:05 - oh no, what would I write about....remembering to floss? :-)

Got to the gym late b/c did not budget in time to scrap windows (boo cold weather). Great workout of bike, arm & leg machines, abs...but my heartrate was about 150 the whole time. It was like my body never got comfy or warmed up so more in "shock" the entire time??
GOAL: I should warm up (another one of those good things I never enact).

10:15 Dr appointment to learn if I have to (1) get a real cast, (2) stay w/ the removable case, (3) RUN!! :-) Can you tell the option I want?? I am JEALOUS of those I watch struggling on the treadmill...the good ole days!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

10 lb kick in the booty!

Oh goodness. I've never had to hate the scale at the doctors office before - before this past Wednesday!

Background: I hurt my foot running in the JAX bank 1/2 marathon (after slacking off the three weeks before). This was also after the ATL thanksgiving 1/2 marathon (the reason I used to take the time off). Oh silly me not wanting to give up sub-2 hr. Walking hurt just the next day - I took 4 weeks before the doctors appointment.

Wednesday - Foot doctor: traditional weighing in displayed 162 ??? wtf... I weight 172 at my "heaviest" while at 8% fat for GaTech track & field. So being 7 lbs over my average = ugh...can this be blaimed on a month away from running? (umm, no Ms self-denial)

Monday: first trip to the gym w/ a bum foot (walking, removeable booty) and weighed in at 165?? SO the journey begins to put into motion everything I know to be great, but just don't "want" to do...come along for the struggles....It's going to be tough to not use the excuses we all know and love but one day at a time & a blog to keep me more honest than on my own!

Goals: new exercise every week, increase sleep (helps w/ wt loss), reduce sugar intake from whatever I want (ugh), and lil motivational kick in the booty for whomever decides to keep in touch! :-) Step 1: gym in the AM (5:30....)