Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Starting the blog guilt factor worked!

Literally the first thought when I wanted to hit snooze at 5:05 - oh no, what would I write about....remembering to floss? :-)

Got to the gym late b/c did not budget in time to scrap windows (boo cold weather). Great workout of bike, arm & leg machines, abs...but my heartrate was about 150 the whole time. It was like my body never got comfy or warmed up so more in "shock" the entire time??
GOAL: I should warm up (another one of those good things I never enact).

10:15 Dr appointment to learn if I have to (1) get a real cast, (2) stay w/ the removable case, (3) RUN!! :-) Can you tell the option I want?? I am JEALOUS of those I watch struggling on the treadmill...the good ole days!


  1. Have you thought about running/walking in the pool until you're healed??

  2. Thanks Becky - I have done a little bit of that but I get bored easily :-p and can't go too long without an ipod or TV. The gym equipment has me spoiled!
