Monday, March 19, 2012

Sunday Run

So after a week away - (and nothing to report) - I went to the gym on Sunday :-)

1. Thank you MB for the push to go
2. Thanks for letting me nap afterwards
3. OMGosh I am feeling sore after the workout.

Why am I shocked that working out hard once a week is making me sore? Have I truely forgotten the basics? :-p

I digress - so the workout included 30 minutes on the treadmill:
- warm-up (5 min @ 6.0)
- 1 min fast followed by 2 min jog
10.0 twice (jog was 6.0)
9.5 twice (jog 6.0 again)
9.0 twice (jog = dying so 4.0)
8.5 twice (jog 4.0 again)
- ZERO cool down (had to use the restroom)!

I felt like leaving right after the run but it was just 30 minutes into the gym; therefore, I added in arms. When did the CRC get rid of 3 lb weights? (or am I crazy & they never had em...)I know that sounds pathetic but I do quick pyramid sets (reps 12-10-8-10-12 using lbs 3-5-8-5-3 respectively) and I NEED the lower weights. I know the CRC doesn't have 8lbs and I have to adjust to 7.5 lbs but to not have the lowest weights means I had to adjust the entire format (reps 12-10-10-12 with lbs 5-7.5-7.5-5) and it HURT! I mean washing your hair after the gym sore. Ugh.

Anyways, enough complaining :-) I had a fabulous power nap post gym -> church -> dinner out -> another nap -> sunday night TV -> crash! How long do you think it takes working out to increase your energy level?? :-)

Overall my goals for this week are:
1. Workout at least 2 x
2. Stretch EVERYDAY (even if it's 5 minutes)
3. Drink at least 3 bottles of water a day
4. Do the nettepot (?) thing for my nose daily (darn pollen is out in FULL force)
5. Research a 1/2 marathon this fall for MB, his friend training for a full in Nov & me

Monday, March 12, 2012

Day After

Alarm - slammed snooze while attempting to find the off button... darn I'll have to carry that into the bathroom so I can turn it off next ring. Stumble out of bed, attempt to stand straight - ouch.

Yup - here goes the previously boastful "not too bad 10k" girl. Ugh. Knees are peaved I had the odasity to run and are letting me have it today. Bad habits die hards and running with my shoulders up to my ears has NOT gone out of style - no matter what you read - because I was doing it hard core yesterday (based on how turning my head is almost an impossible feat this morning).

So cheers to running for a few miles today, stretch and brace myself for the day 2 soreness (always the worst) and pray I don't KILL WHO EVER HAS THEIR ALARM GOING OFF IN THE SKY CLUB!?! for goodness sake, that is the WORST noise in the entire world (that gradual increase in volume rining of a phone noise) - are you KIDDING ME?!

I am literraly going to get my sore knee self up and hobble around the sky club to find that pathetic person. That will be my service to man-kind for the day and DEFINITELY worth another banana muffin :-D

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Foot fat?

Yes - I said foot fat. It does exist and unfortunately I'm feeling the pain of having it!

Today was the Shamrock 10K around Atlantic Station. Woke up not liking the "spring forward" - sick joke/combination with the race! Anyhoo, got there with 20 minutes until the start (8:40) and it was cold. I was looking all spiffy with pink shell, pink/purple L/S over-shirt and new long tights. It was appropriate at the beginning of the race... oh how I forget how you WARM UP! :-p

10K = 2 laps of the 5K course.
Goal: less than 60 minutes (or just finish to baseline)

Mile 1 - large group, clumped together, didn't notice the "start" of where my timing chip would beep?? maybe we all got the same start time... Not too shabby course (10+ min/mile)

Mile 2 - ugh it's warm. why am I wearing layers that don't unzip? (9:40 ish min/mile)

Mile 3 - the zig-zag to up one side and down the other of the same street (add mileage) is NOT entertaining but I'll remember that for the second lap: go slower on the first part so 2nd feels like you are doing "better" :-p (9:30+ min/mile)

Mile 4 - 3.5 mile point = why didn't I do the 5K? hah - time is not too shabby. I'm on pace for less than an hour. Feel like kicking it up a notch but trying to remember 2+ miles left! (sub 9 min/mile)

Mile 5 - attempt to remember to thank the police officer directing traffic at the top of the hill (northside) as that's the only one I forgot the first lap - out of breath caught me off guard! ARE WE THERE YET? (eh, still 1,000,000x better than feeling that way mile 10 of a half or mile 20 of a full marathon)

Mile 6 - YAY! final zig-zag on 17th and it's to good techno-ish beats from the dj. Attempted to thank him (2nd time) and he didn't see/acknowledge. Whatev - hope you felt the love! :) (sub 9)

Last .2 - woot woot! Kicked it up "another notch!" "BAM!" (Emeril...) and strided it out. Thanks for the at least .1 downhill before the flat stride out to the finish line! (sub 8)

Final time: sub 57! :-) this means I averaged less than 9:10 min/miles!

1. I either
never get into "great" shape and stay at this baseline of 9ish min/miles for EVERY race (i.e. I never train consistently to surpass this pleauto) or I just pulled this surprise

2. Sore part of body is at the top of the ball of your foot - it gets squished towards your toes and that's foot fat. My foot fat has soreness/potential blisters!?! ugh - never want that again! Need my feet to be in shape :-p

Next Steps: 90 min half is NOT completely out of reach. I have to actually DO the training regimine and get GOING! Let's see how it goes :-) Anyone up for running?!
-alternate 5K/10K every 4 months to test progress ?
-half marathon in fall ?
what's everyone think?

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Fight For Air

AM - abs (no)
AM - stretch (no)
AM - run (*)

*Ran up the Trade Center tower (?) this morning. It was an event for the American Lung Association. The turnout was great and the 804 steps was not that bad.

Start: felt nervous - how bad would my poor preparation rear it's ugly head?
Flight 2: weird transition through some hallways between the stairwells
Flight 10: omg this is not just fun and games... 32 more flights
Flight 37: I. Need. Air.
- stop for water at the "rest stop"
Flight 42: Is this the end? Wasn't bad at all :-)
- Literally I asked the people (prob volunteers) "Is this the end?" when walking to the viewing deck

Overall: 8:59 time, 5th for the 20-29 age group (?) After the many pauses and waterbreak, maybe I should've kicked it up a notch :-) (see the competitor coming out?!) I am VERY grateful to have finished.

Aftermath: coughing. coughing. coughing

I hope the aftermath ends tomorrow :-) I also hope it's nice tomorrow evening in ATL so I can run!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Personal Travel Confusion

How can you travel for work and then get so confused when traveling for personal reasons? Yes, I literally did not plan enough time with my alarm to even leave on time!

AM Abs - Nope
AM Stretch - Nope
AM Run - umm no...

So - overall, today will NOT be a wash. I will do something before crashing and then getting up for 804 stair adventure in the AM (big glup.....uh oh!...think scooby doo).

Mkay - posting is at least forcing me to admit I'm not doing it, right?? Step (.5) ? :-)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Missed a day

So Wednesday?!

Yeah - AM was fine. Didn't get the run in but did ABS...

PM - nothing. Literally had a few drinks with coworkers and fellow hotel residents then I just went to bed. No work. No charging of phones. Did not pass go or collect $200.

Today = STILL exghusted. I woke up at 1:30 AM freakin' out about all the work that needed to be completed prior to leaving for the airport (literally 5hrs of on-site time). ugh.

This evening - not looking much better on the forecast of if I'll workout or not. I'd bet the farm on "not" :-p