Thursday, June 17, 2010

Awake but not workout

For the past two mornings, I have been awake sub-6am and still find ways to preoccupy my time until it was necessary to get ready for work.

- up at 5:45 Co-worker got wireless router = I can get internet other than RIGHT next to the TV in the main room. I tried out this HULU.COM thing and finally saw Greys Anatomy season finale. (totally want to see what's next for the Cristina/Owen and Mer/Derick sagas)

Thursday - up at 6 Recently shared my outlook calendar with boss and co-worker. This prompted a comment about my daily mileage as an all day event until it moves to the time I actually completed it. What a great accountability thing! But then there was confusion about how I keep fly-outs (people visiting me in LA) on my they thought I was leaving at those the need to separate the calendars was apparent. I proceded to research outlook options and play around w/ filters on appointment types, etc for at LEAST 1.5 hrs. At 7:15am I realized I literally had 20 to get ready and LEAVE for the hospital to make my 8am meeting (and I did).

Subconscoiusly I think I created the personal calendar seperate from the generic work one to remove the accountability. I would like to believe that's not the case, hoping I would compelte the workouts and not worry about others knowing those to-dos left on the day long denotion where NOT attempted BUT I think that was the case....


- determine if evening workouts will really throw off the early to bed goal (attempting to stay close to EST while in LA Mon-Thurs)
- figure out the food requirement for hte afternoons to prompt a stright to gym vs FOOD at 5pm
- post frequently to make not working out even more embarassing... is working a way. 3 miles for this past week = sad!

Anyone try the heal/calf stretch in the previous post?

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