Thursday, March 18, 2010

Almost 12 miles :-)

So I used and created a route around piedmont park to make 12 miles (and end at the smoothie king!!). Great plan -> now run it! :-)

3:30pm got out of meetings early -> hit the pavement! I was on a roll b/c I parallel parked pretty darn well - off to a good pace and kept track of my rout written on a gum wrapper :-p

Mile 10.5+ as I approached ponce / north avenue on highland avenue again...I realized I took ponce the first loop when I should have continued to north! Eek! I decided to continue w/ the route and remap it when I got home to see how much I fell short...Normally one would think the polar equipment that track miles would help me out in the situation BUT I have it calibrated a bit off using a new pair of shoes; therefore, it's about 0.4-0.6 miles shorter. I have not re-calibrated it yet because I like the extra motivation as I think I am going slower than in reality - forcing myself to keep the pace up!! :-)

So after surviving (burning 1600+) and a great smoothie king (556 cal activator strawberry), I get back to my parallel parked car to have a ticket! Ugh - what's up with a ticket on St. Charles and 10th b/c I did not have a resident sticker?? The route was 11.76 miles - close enough for government work! Check that run off for this Sunday as I'm booked 8:30am - 8:30pm w/ 2 2hr blocks....whew!

Goal: swim in a few hrs...might become 12 ;-) haha

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