Monday, August 16, 2010


Saturday morning = MB's speedway day
7:15 departure from the house - after landing at 2 AM ...silly chicago delays making it the 3rd night in a row w/ less than 4.5 hrs of sleep
8:00 introduction/class
11:00 MB DRIVING :-)
12:00 heading back to "the city" ** this is when i had a nightmare while awake: I HAD CANKLES!?!?!

You literally could NOT see any part of my ankle bones. I was so freakin scared that my week of laziness was coming back to haunt me. I swore not to eat anything unhealthy for a month to get rid of them - MB consoled me that it was just all the time in an airplane (12 hrs of the past 31 + travel time on feet). Whatever - I was livid...until I woke up from 6 hrs of sleep that afternoon -> no more cankles :-D

I proceeded to eat ice cream for a snack....a do nothing Sunday :-)

Sidenote: the calf is much better :-) only a bruise and one puncher wound that is not scabbed over :-D SO PUMPED! I am going to run and do weights tomorrow morning :-D :-D

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