Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Butter Fingers...

No - not the candy.

Worked out this morning:
- 5 min warm up jog 2.0 at 6.8
Arms w/ 5, 8 and 10 lb - definitely was an eye-opener with about 10 minutes in having the muscle begging for me to stop...ugh who would think that 4 months off would make a difference? hah. I actually debated stopping knowing how much it will hurt in just a day - of course I didn't!
Legs - no weights just lunges and stuff. It was great to finally work toward slimmer thighs!
3 sets of this cycle:
- 10 front lunge
- 10 back lunge
- 10 side lunge
- 10 side box step up
- 10 rear leg on box lunge

Butter fingers comes from my unability to hold onto the shampoo bottle, bar of soap, razor AND facial wash! Silly hand muscles just couldn't function...what a preminition for how I am going to feel tomorrow - and even better the day after!

This evenings goal was to run a few miles (schedule says 7 but recovery mode = more than 3 miles). I even had daily mass on my schedule - as usual work threw my plans out the door and laughed :-p Took a dinner & blog break -> back to work! I would say daily mass in the AM but we have work mtgs until 7:30 PM tomorrow so I need to work out in the AM... You cannot have it all - we can all just try day by day, right? :-D

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