Monday, August 23, 2010

Ten before Turkey

The scale is not my friend.

I am offically that girl who does not like the scale. Yes, I believe the reason I started this blog was a visit to the doctors office woke me up to being 10 lbs over my typical college weight...but now, alas - I am 1 lb below my heaviest while on track. Mind you I was a BEAST while doing benching 145 beast, squating 300+ beast. Weighting 172 back then was not shocking - being less than 10% fat was..."sigh"

TODAY: SOOO this definitely motivated me to go to UCLA track and do stadiums again :-) 1 lap of running 300m + the 15 aisles of stairs [up & down] is approx .78 miles. My initial goal was 4 laps [again, if you've read previous posts] - I completed two strong thanks to a coworker that joined me :-) Thanks JM!! I did not fair so well when she decided to do lunges and such instead of just pounding out the stairs - I relaxed to doing up one aisle, down the next...cutting the stadium portion almost in half [UsicGA readers - 15 is not an even #]. :-D The workout was great! I know I'll feel in the AM but definitely something I needed to do after being PO'd at the scale. I mean really....??

Goal: ANYHOO - focusing on what to do now (b/c otherwise it's wasted time, right?) I mentioned this issue w/ MB and he mentioned he had 15 over his typical - I concluded we could both aim for 10 before December! He paused (over the phone) and said "well, I could do that before the middle of September" Thank you for your honesty but GRR. men.

MY GOAL is going to be down "10 before Turkey" ...b/c frankly the holidays will screw things up anyways and I want to be on the right track before them :-D

Ways to accomplish this:
- 1 hr of working out in the AM and PM while on-site
this is going to be tough but if skinny was easy, everyone would be!
- food tracking w/ runners world . com
look at previous posts...I just haven't utilized this great tool since writing about it (SAD). it's a free WW-ish website that will let you piece together recipe components to estimate calories, compare intake to burned (by involuntary and exercise)
- SMARTER exercise: just running won't cut it! weights, circuits, swimming (ugh)

PS Can you tell it's almost football season??? :-D


  1. Go you! It is def such a struggle, esp as we get older and our bodies get accustomed to our weights where they are. You def have the drive to get it done tho girl!!

  2. Ah! I just discovered your blog! I have been working to get back to my beloved track weight for almost 4 years. Though, I want that happy number without the crazy muscles...haven't quite figured out that balance yet. However, I am happy to say that, as of this summer, I am ~3-4 away!!

    Good luck, I know you can do it! Glad to have found your blog so I can keep up with you! xo Frances
