Thursday, February 18, 2010

You've got to be kidding me

"Extreme arthritis in the left knee" ... I'm 25. what's it going to be like at 50? let alone 75??

Background: inner, left part of my shin has been tingly for over a month. It feels like similar to hitting my funny bone but on my shin. I noticed it while shaving, thought it would go away but after a month - Wednesday = went to the doctor to check it out. Not a stress fracture - x-ray revealed extreme arthritis in my left knee. (? No pain but it will now by the power of suggestion!) So Doc says onto a nerve test on Monday and an MRI after that if need be. Seriously, it doesn't hurt. I just wanted to know it's not serious!

Wednesday: did not happen. I should have attempted at least something small but I used Ash Wednesday as an excuse.

Today: 2 am and 2:42 am calls from "wrong number". I proceeded to call the number back with my alarm. Surprisingly they sounded like they were being woken up :-) I got too much pleasure out of it

Did not get to the gym on little sleep and used the excuse of work to not go before dinner. Today is another day of swimming (UGH) so I've talked myself out of working out TWICE. I have got to see something positive in swimming...

I've reached the point of no return for today BUT tomorrow is friday = less attendance in the gym!! (Yay for me b/c less crowded!!!)

Goal: stretch and abs before bed, gym in the am


  1. How do you have arthritis? Crazy. Oh, everytime I see an ad for P90X, I think of you and how you could market your oun Deb110% program :)

  2. Thanks Anne - yeah, arthritis :-p doesn't hurt yet so attempting to ignore it for YEARS. I would love to come up w/ my own program... maybe when P90X doesn't kick my behind! Hope all is well with you!!
