Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tough Day!

So... results of the abs/back 2x day -> made the first day, missed the 2nd morning but onto the 2nd evening :-) 3 out of 4 thus far = passing....

I had insomnia (sp?) last night and did not get to sleep until at least 12:30 AM PDT -> I did not get up to run at 5 AM to be at work by 7:15 :-p Meetings kept me in the office until almost 7 PM - getting home around 7:15!
* FOOD was the first thought
* Teammate bday celebration snacks/Biggest Loser viewing with teammates was the second
* Report validation and final recommendation documentation was (and still is) waiting for me when I got back

No real time to run 5 miles after work.
Tomorrow's Goal - push for some shut eye in the next hour so I can get up at 5 AM -> hit the treadmill for the 10 :-D maybe arm weight lifting if I get to the gym and start running close to 5.

Self Praise: got up this morning and stretched for 20 minutes (but forgot abs/back?!) before the shower and rush of the day began. Definitely helped me relax through the ebs and flows (sp?) of the crazy day

Self Challenge: laid my bathing suit out on the dresser I have to view (and pass by) in the AM...a reminder of why in the world I should kick the snooze button habit! SCARY SWIMSUITS!! AAAHHHH

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